freenect_stack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
freenect_stack copied to clipboard

No pointcloud topics in ROS Kinetic / Ubuntu 16.04 with Kinect 360

Open prfiredragon opened this issue 6 years ago • 1 comments

Hi. I have One Laptop With ubuntu 14.04 Ros indigo, one with Ubuntu Bionic Ros Melodic, One Odroid-C2 with 2 SD cards one with Melodic and one with Kinetic. Only on the Kinetic, I got :

[ INFO] [1537766868.565166002]: Stopping device RGB and Depth stream flush. [ INFO] [1537766870.562413780]: Device timed out. Flushing device. [ INFO] [1537766870.562851785]: Starting a 3s RGB and Depth stream flush. [ INFO] [1537766873.564209518]: Stopping device RGB and Depth stream flush. [ INFO] [1537766875.562327307]: Device timed out. Flushing device. [ INFO] [1537766875.562798313]: Starting a 3s RGB and Depth stream flush. [ INFO] [1537766878.564956055]: Stopping device RGB and Depth stream flush. [ INFO] [1537766880.562223834]: Device timed out. Flushing device. [ INFO] [1537766880.562671839]: Starting a 3s RGB and Depth stream flush. [ INFO] [1537766883.564071573]: Stopping device RGB and Depth stream flush. [ INFO] [1537766885.562166362]: Device timed out. Flushing device.

I install via sudo apt install ros-kinetic-freenect-stack

rostopic hz /camera/rgb/image_color subscribed to [/camera/rgb/image_color] no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages

if i try to use freenect-glview and get an error:

Kinect camera test Number of devices found: 1 send_cmd: Input control transfer failed (18) freenect_fetch_reg_info: send_cmd read 18 bytes (expected 118) send_cmd: Output control transfer failed (-1) freenect_fetch_reg_const_shift: send_cmd read -1 bytes (expected 8) freenect_camera_init(): Failed to fetch const shift for device Could not open device Device 0x431190 open during shutdown, closing...

then I remove the libfreenect-dev and install it from OpenKinect/libfreenect and freenect-glview work but freenect-launch not

[ INFO] [1537825786.510865302]: Number devices connected: 1 [ INFO] [1537825786.511106315]: 1. device on bus 000:00 is a Xbox NUI Camera (2ae) from Microsoft (45e) with serial id 'A00362A03812145A' [ INFO] [1537825786.513693457]: Searching for device with index = 1 [ INFO] [1537825786.515440553]: No matching device found.... waiting for devices. Reason: [ERROR] Unable to open specified kinect

prfiredragon avatar Sep 24 '18 22:09 prfiredragon

Hi, do you have a kinect for xbox 360 working ok on odroid C2? and on a laptop PC? It working ok with melodic and on indigo but not on kinetic? I'm fighting for a week or so on desktop PC, odroid xu4 and laptop PC, all of them with kinetic.... Can you share your installation steps on melodic, please?

elgarbe avatar Sep 15 '19 16:09 elgarbe