freenect_stack copied to clipboard
Release for Jade
Thx !
Same here. In the meantime I figured it out under JADE as following: #outside ROS in any directory like $cd /home/XY #via terminal pull in new pkgs: $sudo apt-get install freenect which in my case also pulled in : libfreenect-bin libfreenect-dev libfreenect-doc libfreenect0.2 ( #do as told by libfreenect repository: (specs: master branch on clone date 24.1.16 (snapshot of repository)) git clone cd libfreenect mkdir build cd build cmake -L .. make #copy header files from XY/include/*.h to the new folder inside package YOURWS/freenect_stack/freenect_camera/include/NEWFOLDER where newfolder should be named to libfreenect. *This prevents the error: libfreenect/libfreenect.h: No such file or directory #include <libfreenect/libfreenect.h> *Then catkin_make also asked for ResourceNotFound: rgbd_launch Get it via $git clone *Now trigger catkin_make and freenect_stack should compile and link under JADE. Voila *launch it via $roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch and dont forget to source your workspace This will get you running with a few warnings.
Thanks for the detailed instructions.
Which version of libfreenect are you building?
@jack- see above. Is the flush at the end a problem or normal as no-one subscribed to one of the topics yet? This is where freenect.launch does running but does not genereate any more output: [ INFO] [1453735019.374096650]: Number devices connected: 1 [ INFO] [1453735019.374484282]: 1. device on bus 000:00 is a Xbox NUI Camera (2ae) from Microsoft (45e) with serial id '0000000000000000' [ INFO] [1453735019.376677433]: Searching for device with index = 1 [ INFO] [1453735019.443605783]: Starting a 3s RGB and Depth stream flush. [ INFO] [1453735019.444074141]: Opened 'Xbox NUI Camera' on bus 0:0 with serial number '0000000000000000' [ WARN] [1453735019.946709088]: Could not find any compatible depth output mode for 1. Falling back to default depth output mode 1. [ INFO] [1453735020.487065719]: rgb_frame_id = 'camera_rgb_optical_frame' [ INFO] [1453735020.487175955]: depth_frame_id = 'camera_depth_optical_frame' [ WARN] [1453735020.504630319]: Camera calibration file /home/baum/.ros/camera_info/rgb_0000000000000000.yaml not found. [ WARN] [1453735020.504709870]: Using default parameters for RGB camera calibration. [ WARN] [1453735020.504774872]: Camera calibration file /home/baum/.ros/camera_info/depth_0000000000000000.yaml not found. [ WARN] [1453735020.504826214]: Using default parameters for IR camera calibration. [ INFO] [1453735022.444894698]: Stopping device RGB and Depth stream flush. more at:
@piyushk: what do you suggestion doing for Jade?
Do you think we should release a newer version of the library?
It would be time saving to add this to the readme: #use the image_view package to visualize topics $ rosrun image_view image_view image:=my_camera/image_rect_color
#All processing is on demand. Color processing is performed only if there is a subscriber to a color topic. Rectification is performed only if there is a subscriber to a rectified topic, etc. Yes it works on ubuntu 14.04 LTS, also some topics have no data. (e.g. rectified topics empty, probably due to my warning [ WARN] [1454063511.570394025]: Camera calibration file /home/baum/.ros/camera_info/depth_0000000000000000.yaml not found.) So I'd mark it as overall ok.
Thanks for testing, and for the suggested doc updates.
I am fairly new on ROS. I am trying to use the Kinect (2012 Model 1414) on Ubuntu 16.04/Ros-Kinetic. Could anyone point me to the correct package or instructions? Is this the correct repository? Thanks!