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Interoperability (feature request)
Would be nice to be able to import RQDA files.
Also would be nice to adopt the REFI-QDA Standard for interoperability between QDAS/CAQDAS.
Good project!
One reason we made qcoder is that none of us could ever even get RQDA to install. If you wanted to share an export from RQDA I'd be happy to look at whether it is viable to import it into qcoder. I'll also take a look at the REFI-QDA standard https://www.qdasoftware.org https://www.qdasoftware.org/downloads-project-exchange/.
Hi, just one info here linked to RQDA : I used that package for my PhD and initially develop my approach based on the output of RQDA (before using now qcoder). Before finding qcoder, I produced a dockerfile & a docker image (I think) for still using RQDA nowadays. I think it is working on linux and not on windows due to graphical reasons. Info here : https://github.com/FrdVnW/dockerqda
Here is an example file from RQDA (it's a simple SQLite 3.x database file and can be accessed through SQLite browser).
Here is the schema for the DB:
CREATE TABLE source (name text, id integer,
file text, memo text,
owner text, date text, dateM text, status integer);
CREATE TABLE freecode (name text, memo text,
owner text,date text,dateM text,
id integer, status integer, color text);
CREATE TABLE treecode (cid integer, catid integer,
date text, dateM text,
memo text, status integer, owner text);
CREATE TABLE treefile (fid integer, catid integer,
date text,dateM text,
memo text, status integer,owner text);
CREATE TABLE filecat (name text,fid integer, catid integer, owner text,
date text, dateM text,memo text, status integer);
CREATE TABLE codecat (name text, cid integer, catid integer, owner text, date text,
dateM text,memo text, status integer);
CREATE TABLE coding (cid integer, fid integer,seltext text,
selfirst real, selend real, status integer,
owner text, date text, memo text);
CREATE TABLE coding2 (cid integer, fid integer,seltext text,
selfirst real, selend real, status integer,
owner text, date text, memo text);
CREATE TABLE project (databaseversion text, date text,dateM text,
memo text,about text, imageDir text);
CREATE TABLE cases (name text, memo text,
owner text,date text,dateM text,
id integer, status integer);
CREATE TABLE caselinkage (caseid integer, fid integer,
selfirst real, selend real, status integer,
owner text, date text, memo text);
CREATE TABLE attributes (name text, status integer, date text, dateM text, owner text,memo text, class text);
CREATE TABLE caseAttr (variable text, value text, caseID integer, date text, dateM text, owner text, status integer);
CREATE TABLE fileAttr (variable text, value text, fileID integer, date text, dateM text, owner text, status integer);
CREATE TABLE journal (name text, journal text, date text, dateM text, owner text,status integer);
CREATE TABLE annotation (fid integer,position integer,annotation text, owner text, date text,dateM text, status integer);
CREATE TABLE image (name text, id integer, date text, dateM text, owner text,status integer);
CREATE TABLE imageCoding (cid integer,iid integer,x1 integer, y1 integer, x2 integer, y2 integer, memo text, date text, dateM text, owner text,status integer);
Let me know if you need anything else.
If you can get me some extra time .... This all looks good. As of now we are only supporting coding of text (I'd really need a javascript person to help with supporting images -- plus it's important to continue to work on getting the text really usable by beginners). I'm really concerned about the 128bit ID number. R does not support that.
Well I found a package for generating the GUID https://cran.r-project.org/package=uuid
Any update on this? RQDA does not run in version 4 of R - this is leaving several people stranded (including myself). Any chance we can import RQDA project files in qcoder anytime soon?
P.S. RQDA is not currently working with images, so it must be a feature that was never developed.