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Bug fix: entrez_search doesn't run for rettype = "count"
I am trying to run entrez_search for rettype = "count" and received an error that Error in ans[[1]] : subscript out of bounds
I did some debugging and see this is an error in internal functions behind entrez_search. I'll paste my debugging and suggestions for changing the functions (parse_esearch
, print.esearch
) below. I could also submit a pull request if you'd like, though I'm sure it needs some edits, since I'm new to classes/methods.
term <- "aquilegia[TITLE]"
db <- "pubmed"
retmode <- "xml"
usehistory <- FALSE
use_history <- FALSE
config <- NULL
retmax <- 0
# Runs
entrez_search(db = db,
term = term,
usehistory = usehistory
# Doesn't run: Error in ans[[1]] : subscript out of bounds
entrez_search(db = db,
term = term,
usehistory = usehistory,
rettype = "count"
# Looking into entrez_search
# 1) Check for issue with API query --> No issue
# Runs
response_uilist <-
rentrez:::make_entrez_query("esearch", db = db, term = term,
config = config, retmode = retmode,
usehistory = usehistory
# Runs
response_count <-
rentrez:::make_entrez_query("esearch", db = db, term = term,
config = config, retmode = retmode,
usehistory = usehistory, rettype = "count"
# 2) Check for issue with response parsing --> No issue
# Runs
parsed_uilist <-
rentrez:::parse_response(response_uilist, retmode)
# Runs
parsed_count <-
rentrez:::parse_response(response_count, retmode)
# 3) Check for issue with esearch parsing
# Doesn't run
rentrez:::parse_esearch(parsed_uilist, history = use_history)
# Runs
rentrez:::parse_esearch.XMLInternalDocument(parsed_uilist, history = use_history)
# Doesn't run
rentrez:::parse_esearch(parsed_count, history = use_history)
# Doesn't run: Error in ans[[1]] : subscript out of bounds
rentrez:::parse_esearch.XMLInternalDocument(parsed_count, history = use_history)
# Doesn't run: Error: object of type 'externalptr' is not subsettable
rentrez:::parse_esearch.list(parsed_count, history = use_history)
# 4) Look into rentrez:::parse_esearch.XMLInternalDocument
x <- parsed_count
# Here's the issue
res <- list(ids = xpathSApply(x, "//IdList/Id", xmlValue),
count = as.integer(xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/Count"]])),
retmax = as.integer(xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/RetMax"]])),
QueryTranslation = xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/QueryTranslation"]]),
file = x)
# Here's what's needed
count = as.integer(xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/Count"]]))
res <- list( count = as.integer(xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/Count"]])),
file = x)
# Edit functions
parse_esearch <- function(x, history, rettype = NULL) UseMethod("parse_esearch")
parse_esearch.XMLInternalDocument <- function(x, history, rettype = NULL){
if(rettype == "count"){
res <- list( count = as.integer(xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/Count"]])),
file = x)
} else {
res <- list( ids = xpathSApply(x, "//IdList/Id", xmlValue),
count = as.integer(xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/Count"]])),
retmax = as.integer(xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/RetMax"]])),
QueryTranslation = xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/QueryTranslation"]]),
file = x)
res$web_history = web_history(
QueryKey = xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/QueryKey"]]),
WebEnv = xmlValue(x[["/eSearchResult/WebEnv"]])
class(res) <- c("esearch", "list")
# Test function
parsed_esearch <- parse_esearch.XMLInternalDocument(parsed_count, history = use_history, rettype = "count")
# Also adapt print function
x <- parsed_esearch
print.esearch <- function(x, ...){
if(all(c(names(x)) %in% c("count", "file"))){
msg <- paste("Entrez search result with", x$count, "hits")
} else {
display_term <- if(nchar(x$QueryTranslation) > 50){
paste(substr(x$QueryTranslation, 1, 50), "...")
} else x$QueryTranslation
cookie_word <- if("web_history" %in% names(x)) "a" else "no"
msg<- paste("Entrez search result with", x$count, "hits (object contains",
length(x$ids), "IDs and", cookie_word,
"web_history object)\n Search term (as translated): " , display_term, "\n")
Hi @maia-sh ,
Thanks for this, and getting into the mind-boggling world of the way these classes and functions interact with each other .
These solutions look sensible to me, do you think you can get them into a pull request? if you do so, also let me know the details you'd like to be included for you as a contributor (name email etc).