rWBclimate copied to clipboard
R interface for the World Bank climate data
Hello, I recently came to know about this package- great package. I just wanted to know if there are any plans to update the package by including CMIP5 models data?...
When I type the following command ``` ens_dat
The example code as presented below, does not work anymore: `af_basin Error in create_map_df(Africa_basin) : > A map file for 379 contains no data, please set the resolution parameter closer...
it would be nice to import polygons as SF and then use geom_sf
:wave: @emhart, do you know of any replacement for the broken link Thanks!
The link provided in the documention of `get_ensemble_temp` seems to be not working anymore.
Has development of this package been suspended? In that case, I'd add a suspended badge and archive it (= make it read-only, which is reversible)
trying to make a world temperature map from 1901 but run into error at the end world
Right now when creating a plot, features must line up perfectly (1 identifier in each data set) A better path is to output what is missing, and draw plot anyway....
Prompt user to create temporary directory for KML files.