historydata copied to clipboard
Datasets for Historians
- Methodist data - Geography of the Post: https://github.com/stanford-history/geographypost/tree/master/data - Overland Travels: https://history.lds.org/overlandtravels/ - The library data I scraped for Miriam Posner, if it has an open license.
Clarke Bursley has created a dataset of US troop strengths in various countries. Add this as a dataset.
If license permits it.
In the Methodists data set, when there is a missing value for membership by race we replace it with a 0 (mostly for pedagogical purposes). But if the meeting existed...
hey @lmullen - We want all rOpenSci pkgs to consistently keep track of changes, following https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/blob/master/packaging_guide.md#-news - you already keep a `NEWS` file, thanks! - thanks for git tagging! -...
Humanities Data in R by @statsmaths and @nolauren has a nice example of network data from SCOTUS citations in their supplementary materials. http://humanitiesdata.org/ Data is licensed GPL.