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Update vignette w non-ASCII chars
Add subsection to the "Things to be careful about" section explaining issues with non-ASCII characters in the db responses. See https://github.com/ropensci/dittodb/issues/165
Here's the offending actions: the one before last (actually at least two if not three) were passing locally but not remotely (sorry for the very descriptive commit messages 😄 ). The last one then passed on both. It's not the mocks directly that are causing the issue, but it's a second order consequence, when they are used as inputs into other functions.. I think.
The substantive change in the last commit was the manual fix of that one mock file. I also added some print()
statements for debugging and here's the output of one of them locally:
# A tibble: 6 x 3
tab_dim_id level_value level_text
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 2 V Teko�e cene (mio EUR)
2 2 Y Stalne cene predhodnega leta (mio EUR)
3 2 L Stalne cene, referen�no leto 2010 (mio EUR)
4 2 G4 Stopnja rasti obsega glede na enako �etrtletje predhod~
5 2 G1 Stopnja rasti obsega glede na predhodno �etrtletje (%)
6 2 GO4 Prispevek k rasti obsega BDP glede na enako �etrtletje~
And remotely:
# A tibble: 6 x 3
tab_dim_id level_value level_text
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 2 V Tekoče cene (mio EUR)
2 2 Y Stalne cene predhodnega leta (mio EUR)
3 2 L Stalne cene, referenčno leto 2010 (mio EUR)
4 2 G4 Stopnja rasti obsega glede na enako četrtletje predhod~
5 2 G1 Stopnja rasti obsega glede na predhodno četrtletje (%)
6 2 GO4 Prispevek k rasti obsega BDP glede na enako četrtletje~
Locally I'm on a Windows machine and I get this btw:
> dput(data.frame(col=c("č", "é", "😀")), file = "foo.R", control = c("all", "hexNumeric"))
> source("foo.R")$value
1 č
2 é
3 <U+0001F600>
Thanks for taking the time to look into this!