RSelenium copied to clipboard
Error in parse_ptr(version) : invalid character encountered: .
I am trying to connect selenium server with internet explorer.
remDr <- RSelenium::rsDriver(remoteServerAddr = "localhost", browser = "internet explorer",version= "latest",iedrver = "latest" , port = 5555L, verbose=F, extraCapabilities = list(acceptInsecureCerts = TRUE))
Facing error :
checking iedriver versions: BEGIN: PREDOWNLOAD BEGIN: DOWNLOAD Creating directory: C:\Users\M114569\AppData\Local/binman/binman... Downloading binary:
BEGIN: POSTDOWNLOAD Error in parse_ptr(version) : invalid character encountered: .
because it is automatically downloaded one folder in binman as ".3.150.2"
It can't process "."
please help me to solve this issue