RSelenium copied to clipboard
download command when in 'headless' mode (chrome)
Since Firefox version 48, Mozilla requires all add-ons to be signed. Until recently, Firefox support in Selenium was exclusively provided by an add-on. As this add-on is not currently signed, this solution does not work with the latest Firefox releases. As an alternative, Mozilla are working on a WebDriver specification compliant implementation named GeckoDriver. Please note that the specification is not complete, and that Selenium itself does not comply with the specification at this time. This means that features previously available through Selenium will not be available using GeckoDriver.
Currently we would advise against using the latest firefox/geckodriver with selenium untill the w3c webdriver specification is complete. If you wish to use firefox we would advise using an older version via a Docker image. See the RSelenium Docker vignette for more detail:
If your issue is not with geckodriver/firefox please fill out the template
Operating System
MacOS (Linux)
Selenium Server version (selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar etc.)
Current one supported by RSelenium
Browser version (firefox 50.1.0, chrome 54.0.2840.100 (64-bit) etc.)
chrome "78.0.3904.105"
Other driver version (chromedriver 2.27, geckodriver v0.11.1, iedriver x64_3.0.0, PhantomJS 2.1.1 etc.)
Expected behaviour
I have successfully made the browser mode headless, but the ability to download is disabled for security reasons.
Actual behaviour
How can I formulate general code to download things in the chrome headless browser? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Steps to reproduce the behaviour
You're probably not still on this but see #211 For some reason headless downloading does not work on all chrome driver version (which is one of the reasons I abandoned headless downloading).