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consent to use Enspiral brand
submitted the "I would like to use the Enspiral brand in my project" form, answers recorded below:
Your name:
Root Systems
Briefly sum up your project: *
We're a small high-trust livelihood pod doing tech consulting and software development within the Enspiral network. Our purpose is to imagine and cultivate an ecosystem of local, replicable, life-support systems for interdependent abundance. See more at https://www.rootsystems.nz/.
Who’s responsible? And who else is involved? *
We have 6 members: https://www.rootsystems.nz/members/readme.html. We coordinate with other parts of the Enspiral ecosystem: https://www.rootsystems.nz/context/ecosystem.html.
How do you want to use the Enspiral brand? *
To identify as being "part of Enspiral", potentially in some context as "Enspiral Root Systems".
Are you running... *
A venture
Is this a project run through a different existing Enspiral venture? * (eg OS//OS through EXP; Open Enspiral Workshops through Enspiral Labs)?
Who’s the audience? What is the reach that you anticipate this will have (local, national, international)? *
All of the above.
What are the benefits for the network? *
Maybe we are a wonderful example for how to organize a tech company. If we do good business, it would shine on the Enspiral brand.
What risks do you see for this project? *
Maybe we are a terrible example for how to organize a tech company. If we do poor business, it would reflect on the Enspiral brand.
How might you mitigate any of the risks? *
Do our best. :3
Anything else?
@ahdinosaur Are we still planning to use the Enspiral brand - or can we close this?
@agentlewis i'm still keen in certain contexts. this depends on us becoming an Enspiral venture.