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The ROOT test suite
Tests in the roottest repository can be added and executed using CMake and CTest. These tests are executed as part of ROOT's Continuous Integration setup.
Run tests locally
Configuration and Build
There are two ways to generate and execute the tests:
Option 1: roottest as part of a ROOT build
Before building, create a build directory, change into it, enable the 'testing' and 'roottest' option:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dtesting=ON -Droottest=ON $PATH_TO_ROOT_SOURCES
cmake --build . -j8
Option 2: roottest as a stand-alone project
Set the ROOT environment to an existing build / installation:
. ${ROOTSYS}/thisroot.[c]sh
Create a build directory, change into it and execute
cmake --build . -j8
Running the test suite
Tests can then be executed using the ctest command in the build directory:
ctest -N (list all tests)
ctest -j4 (run all tests in parallel)
ctest -R regex (run all tests matching regex)
ctest -E regex (run all tests not matching regex)
ctest -V (verbose output)
ctest -L regex (run all tests that contain the label regex)
ctest --print-labels (list all existing labels)
You can combine most of the ctest options, for example:
ctest -V -j4 -R root-meta
is a valid call.
Adding tests
Tests can be defined in a CMakeLists.txt file via custom CMake functions and macros. Either put the new test into an existing directory and edit its CMakeLists.txt or create a fresh directory and make it known to the testing system. roottest detects test directories by calling the function ROOTTEST_ADD_TESTDIRS(). Each subdirectory of the current directory is automatically added, if it contains a CMakeLists.txt file.
In order to add a test, the function ROOTTEST_ADD_TEST has been introduced. A basic description follows, for details take a look at the implementation in roottest/cmake/modules/RootCTestMacros.cmake).
Synopsis (shortened):
function ROOTTEST_ADD_TEST(testname
MACRO|EXEC|COMMAND macro_or_command
[MACROARG arg1 arg2 ...]
[OPTS opt1 opt2 ...]
[OUTREF stdout_reference_file]
[ERRREF stderr reference_file]
[COPY_TO_BUILDDIR fil1 file2 ...]
[PRECMD command args ...]
[POSTCMD command args ...]
[OUTCNVCMD script_or_program]
[FAILREGEX regexp]
[PASSREGEX regexp]
[DEPENDS dependency1 dependency2 ...]
ROOTTEST_ADD_TEST creates a new test case testname that executes either
a provided ROOT macro or calls an executable macro_or_command when called
by ctest.
MACRO ROOT macro file. If set, the resulting test will then
execute root.exe -q -l -b macro_file. It only accepts
macros that have a .C/.C+/.cxx/.cxx+/.py file extension.
If macro_file does not follow this requirement it is
simply redirected to root.exe (i.e. no special treatment
like resolving the full path of the macro is done).
EXEC Execute program in $PATH or current directory.
COMMAND Execute a command (program or script) with its arguments
MACROARG Arguments that shall be passed to the specified
ROOT macro (root.exe macro(MACROARGS)).
OPTS Options that will be appended to ROOT or an executable.
OUTREF File that references the stdout output of the test. If
the systems architecture influences the test output, a
*.ref32 / *.ref64 file can be created. They will be
preferred to a *.ref file.
ERRREF File that references the stderr output of the test.
For system architecture specific output, see option
WORKING_DIR Set the tests working directory. As a default, the
current CMAKE build directory is used.
COPY_TO_BUILDDIR Copy files into the current build directory, so tests
find them without the need for full paths.
PRECMD Command to be executed before the macro or the executable.
Only the return code is checked. If error code is returned
the overall test fails.
POSTCMD Command to be executed after the macro or the executable.
Only the return code is checked.
OUTCNVCMD Possibility to process the output before is given to the
diff utility to check it against the reference file.
PASSREGEX Property to verify that the output of the test contains
certain strings (regular expression) to pass
FAILREGEX Property to verify that the output of the test contains
certain strings (regular expression) to fail
DEPENDS Specify tests that must execute before the new test
is run.
WILLFAIL Flag that marks the test as expected to fail.
Simply add a ROOT macro test.
ROOTTEST_ADD_TEST(assertSparseToTHn MACRO assertSparseToTHn.C)
Add a compiled ROOT macro test (note the +) and compare its stdout and stderr output to the given reference files. Associate the test to the labels roottest, regression and cling.
ROOTTEST_ADD_TEST(compiled MACRO runvbase.C+ OUTREF vbase-c.out.ref ERRREF vbase-c.err.ref LABELS roottest regression cling)
Some tests may require ROOT dictionaries or rootmaps. They can be generated using the ROOTTEST_GENERATE_DICTIONARY() and ROOTTEST_GENERATE_REFLEX_DICTIONARY() macros, e.g.
1. ROOTTEST_GENERATE_REFLEX_DICTIONARY(classes # dictionary name
classes.h # header files
SELECTION classes_selection.xml)
LINKDEF linkdef.h)
Invoking these macros also sets the variables GENERATE_REFLEX_TEST and GENERATE_DICTIONARY_TEST to the internal CTest test name. They can be used to manage dependencies on dictionaries:
MACRO runTTestClass.C
OUTREF TTestClass.ref
LABELS roottest regression cling)
Advanced / developers' features
Adding definitions and ClingWorkarounds
Definitions to root macro tests can be added by calling add_definitions(-DDEF). ClingWorkarounds are supposed to be specified in roottest/cmake/modules/RoottestCTest.cmake. Always add a pair consisting of the workaround definition and a introduce a variable that can be checked to see, if a workaround is active.
Set test owner
The owner of a test can be set by calling ROOTTEST_SET_TESTOWNER("Test Owner").
Ignoring tests
An existing test may be marked to be ignored. This is done by adding its name to the CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE variable in roottest/CTestCustom.cmake.