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Rookie command line tools
A command-line interface for installing and building rk-boot applications.
go get github.com/rookie-ninja/rk/cmd/rk
Quick Start
We'll start with a general overview of the commands. There are more commands, and we will get into] usage below, but this shows the basic functionality.
build Build project which contains build.yaml
clear Clear target folder generated by rk build
docker Build a docker image built with rk build command
install Install third-party software
uninstall Uninstall third-party software
pack Pack target folder generated by rk build
run Run server build by rk build
ut Run unit test
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
Command Overview
rk help
rk help
Print help message
rk install
rk install
buf install buf on local machine
cfssl install cfssl on local machine
cfssljson install cfssljson on local machine
gocov install gocov on local machine
golangci-lint install golangci-lint on local machine
mockgen install mockgen on local machine
pkger install pkger on local machine
protobuf install protobuf on local machine
protoc-gen-doc install protoc-gen-doc on local machine
protoc-gen-go install protoc-gen-go on local machine
protoc-gen-go-grpc install protoc-gen-go-grpc on local machine
protoc-gen-grpc-gateway install protoc-gen-grpc-gateway on local machine
protoc-gen-openapiv2 install protoc-gen-openapiv2 on local machine
swag install swag on local machine
rk-std install rk standard environment on local machine
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
rk uninstall
rk uninstall
buf uninstall buf from local machine
cfssl uninstall cfssl from local machine
cfssljson uninstall cfssljson from local machine
gocov uninstall gocov from local machine
golangci-lint uninstall golangci-lint from local machine
mockgen uninstall mockgen from local machine
pkger uninstall pkger from local machine
protobuf uninstall protobuf from local machine
protoc-gen-doc uninstall protoc-gen-doc from local machine
protoc-gen-go uninstall protoc-gen-go from local machine
protoc-gen-go-grpc uninstall protoc-gen-go-grpc from local machine
protoc-gen-grpc-gateway uninstall protoc-gen-grpc-gateway from local machine
protoc-gen-openapiv2 uninstall protoc-gen-openapiv2 from local machine
swag uninstall swag from local machine
rk-std uninstall rk standard environment on local machine
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
rk ut
rk ut # Run unit test
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
rk build
rk build - Build project which contains build.yaml
rk clear
rk clear - Clear target folder generated by rk build
rk pack
rk pack - Pack target folder generated by rk build
rk docker
rk docker - Build a docker image built with rk build command
build build a docker image built with rk build command
run run a docker image built with rk docker build
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
rk run
rk run - run server build by rk build
Bellow commands need to build project as RK style first in order to continue.
- rk build
- rk run
- rk pack
- rk docker build
- rk docker run
type: go # Optional, default:go
main: "internal/main.go" # Optional, default: ./main.go
GOOS: "" # Optional, default: current OS
GOARCH: "" # Optional, default: current Arch
args: "" # Optional, default: "", arguments which will attached to [go build] command
copy: [""] # Optional, default: [], directories or files need to copy to [target] folder
before: [] # Optional, default: [], commands would be invoked before [go build] command locally
after: [] # Optional, default: [], commands would be invoked after [go build] command locally
before: [] # Optional, default: [], scripts would be executed before [go build] command locally
after: [] # Optional, default: [], scripts would be executed after [go build] command locally
registry: "" # Optional, default: [package name]
tag: "" # Optional, default: [current git tag or branch-latestCommit]
args: [""] # Optional, default: "", docker args which will be attached to [docker build] command
args: ["-p", "8080:8080"] # Optional, default: "", docker args which will be attached to [docker run] command
Development Status: Stable
We encourage and support an active, healthy community of contributors — including you! Details are in the contribution guide and the code of conduct. The rk maintainers keep an eye on issues and pull requests, but you can also report any negative conduct to [email protected].
Released under the Apache 2.0 License.