julia-ts-mode copied to clipboard
Experimental Emacs Julia major mode using tree-sitter
Julia major mode using tree-sitter
Emacs major mode for the Julia programming language using tree-sitter for
font-lock, indentation, imenu, and navigation. It is derived from
This package requires:
- Emacs 29 or newer built with tree-sitter support;
- Julia tree-sitter grammar; and
- The package
Installation from MELPA
is available on MELPA. The recommended way to install it is
using use-package
. The following code installs julia-ts-mode
and selects it
as the default major mode for Julia files:
(use-package julia-ts-mode
:ensure t
:mode "\\.jl$")
Installation from source
You can install this package from source by cloning this directory and adding the following lines to your Emacs configuration:
(add-to-list 'load-path "<path to the source-code tree>")
(require 'julia-ts-mode)
Installing Julia Tree-Sitter Grammar
The recommended way to install the tree-sitter grammar is using the package
treesit-auto. In this case, the
Julia tree-sitter grammar will be automatically downloaded and compiled when a
Julia file is opened using the major mode julia-ts-mode
. For more information
on how to install and configure treesit-auto
, check the package documentation.
LSP Configuration
This mode is derived from julia-mode
. Hence, most of the feature available for
it will also work in julia-ts-mode
. However, the LSP requires additional
configuration. First, it is necessary to install the package
, and apply the desired
configuration as stated in its documentation. Afterward, add the following code
to your Emacs configuration file:
(add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration '(julia-ts-mode . "julia"))
(make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection 'lsp-julia--rls-command)
:major-modes '(julia-mode ess-julia-mode julia-ts-mode)
:server-id 'julia-ls
:multi-root t))