TerminalPager.jl copied to clipboard
Pure Julia implementation of the command less
[`AbbreviatedStackTraces.jl`](https://github.com/BioTurboNick/AbbreviatedStackTraces.jl) is a package which essentially shortens stack traces to "your own" code, relying on the (often correct) assumption that you are doing something wrong, not a bunch of julia...
It would be very useful for me if I could search for a value, for example **14** in a specific column only, because if I search for it globally I...
Steps to reproduce: ``` pager(rand(10^6, 10)) ``` and it takes 30 seconds to display. I am not sure if something can be done to fix it, but ideally large tables...
This is a general request but what I specifically mean is that if e.g. you do: ``` DataFrame(rand(100, 100), :auto) |> pager ``` that it would be possible that recipe...
I am not sure this is possible, but it would be extremely useful to have TerminalPager work *during* the execution of a slow command. That would allow one, for example,...