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Python library for calculating amortizations and generating amortization schedules

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Python library for calculating amortizations and generating amortization schedules


pip install amortization



Amortization Amount

from amortization.amount import calculate_amortization_amount

amount = calculate_amortization_amount(150000, 0.1, 36)

Amortization Period

from amortization.period import calculate_amortization_period

period = calculate_amortization_period(150000, 0.1, 4840.08)

Amortization Schedule

from amortization.schedule import amortization_schedule

for number, amount, interest, principal, balance in amortization_schedule(150000, 0.1, 36):
    print(number, amount, interest, principal, balance)

Amortization Schedule (using tabulate)

from amortization.schedule import amortization_schedule
from tabulate import tabulate

table = (x for x in amortization_schedule(150000, 0.1, 36))
        headers=["Number", "Amount", "Interest", "Principal", "Balance"],

Command line

amortize -h
usage: amortize [-h] -P PRINCIPAL -r INTEREST_RATE [-s] [-f {daily,biweekly,weekly,semimonthly,monthly,quarterly,semiyearly,yearly}] (-n PERIOD | -a AMOUNT)

Python library for calculating amortizations and generating amortization schedules

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --schedule        Generate amortization schedule
  -f {daily,biweekly,weekly,semimonthly,monthly,quarterly,semiyearly,yearly}, --frequency {daily,biweekly,weekly,semimonthly,monthly,quarterly,semiyearly,yearly}
                        Payment frequency
  -n PERIOD, --period PERIOD
                        Total number of periods
  -a AMOUNT, --amount AMOUNT
                        Amortization amount per period

required arguments:
                        Principal amount
  -r INTEREST_RATE, --interest-rate INTEREST_RATE
                        Interest rate per year
amortize -P 150000 -n 36 -r 0.1             # period
amortize -P 150000 -n 36 -r 0.1 -s          # schedule
amortize -P 150000 -a 4840.08 -r 0.1        # amount
amortize -P 150000 -n 36 -r 0.1 -f weekly   # period (specify payment frequency)
% amortize -P 150000 -n 36 -r 0.1 -s           
Number        Amount    Interest    Principal     Balance
--------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------
1           4,840.08    1,250.00     3,590.08  146,409.92
2           4,840.08    1,220.08     3,620.00  142,789.92
3           4,840.08    1,189.92     3,650.16  139,139.76
4           4,840.08    1,159.50     3,680.58  135,459.18
5           4,840.08    1,128.83     3,711.25  131,747.93
6           4,840.08    1,097.90     3,742.18  128,005.75
7           4,840.08    1,066.71     3,773.37  124,232.38
8           4,840.08    1,035.27     3,804.81  120,427.57
9           4,840.08    1,003.56     3,836.52  116,591.05
10          4,840.08      971.59     3,868.49  112,722.56
11          4,840.08      939.35     3,900.73  108,821.83
12          4,840.08      906.85     3,933.23  104,888.60
13          4,840.08      874.07     3,966.01  100,922.59
14          4,840.08      841.02     3,999.06   96,923.53
15          4,840.08      807.70     4,032.38   92,891.15
16          4,840.08      774.09     4,065.99   88,825.16
17          4,840.08      740.21     4,099.87   84,725.29
18          4,840.08      706.04     4,134.04   80,591.25
19          4,840.08      671.59     4,168.49   76,422.76
20          4,840.08      636.86     4,203.22   72,219.54
21          4,840.08      601.83     4,238.25   67,981.29
22          4,840.08      566.51     4,273.57   63,707.72
23          4,840.08      530.90     4,309.18   59,398.54
24          4,840.08      494.99     4,345.09   55,053.45
25          4,840.08      458.78     4,381.30   50,672.15
26          4,840.08      422.27     4,417.81   46,254.34
27          4,840.08      385.45     4,454.63   41,799.71
28          4,840.08      348.33     4,491.75   37,307.96
29          4,840.08      310.90     4,529.18   32,778.78
30          4,840.08      273.16     4,566.92   28,211.86
31          4,840.08      235.10     4,604.98   23,606.88
32          4,840.08      196.72     4,643.36   18,963.52
33          4,840.08      158.03     4,682.05   14,281.47
34          4,840.08      119.01     4,721.07    9,560.40
35          4,840.08       79.67     4,760.41    4,799.99
36          4,839.99       40.00     4,799.99        0.00
Totals    174,242.79   24,242.79   150,000.00




Ronie Martinez
