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SimCLR and MoCo v3 ViT implementation

This repo implements the SimCLR and MoCo v3 algorithm on Vision Transformers (ViT) for both GPUs and TPUs, with hyperparams following An Empirical Study of Training Self-Supervised Vision Transformers.


Install pytorch (and its dependencies). Install pytorch xla if running on TPUs.

Finally, install timm for vision transformers: pip3 install timm.

Download ImageNet-1k to a shared directory (e.g. to /checkpoint/ronghanghu/megavlt_paths/imagenet-1k) that can be accessed from all nodes, which should have the following structure.

|_ train
|  |_ <n0......>
|  |  |_<im-1-name>.JPEG
|  |  |_...
|  |  |_<im-N-name>.JPEG
|  |_ ...
|  |_ <n1......>
|  |  |_<im-1-name>.JPEG
|  |  |_...
|  |  |_<im-M-name>.JPEG
|  |  |_...
|  |  |_...
|_ val
|  |_ <n0......>
|  |  |_<im-1-name>.JPEG
|  |  |_...
|  |  |_<im-N-name>.JPEG
|  |_ ...
|  |_ <n1......>
|  |  |_<im-1-name>.JPEG
|  |  |_...
|  |  |_<im-M-name>.JPEG
|  |  |_...
|  |  |_...

Running MoCo v3 ViT training on ImageNet-1k

Launch the training on GPUs or TPUs as follows. It trains MoCo v3 for 300 epochs by default. (Append num_epochs=100 to the commands below to train only for 100 epochs.)

Make sure SAVE_DIR is a shared directory that can be accessed from all nodes. For TPUs, one can use an NFS directory on GCP.

On GPUs (e.g. using 64 V100 GPUs):


srun \
  --mem=300g --nodes=8 --gres=gpu:8 --partition=learnlab,learnfair \
  --time=4300 --constraint=volta32gb --cpus-per-task=40 \
python3 \
  world_size=64 \
  ckpt_dir=$SAVE_DIR \
  data_dir=/checkpoint/ronghanghu/megavlt_paths/imagenet-1k \
  batch_size=4096 lr=2.4e-3 weight_decay=0.1  # lr is already scaled by batch size

(append use_pytorch_amp=True to the command above to use automatic mixed precision)

On TPUs (e.g. using a v3-256 TPU pod):


TPU_NAME=megavlt-256  # change to your TPU name
# use absolute paths with torch_xla.distributed.xla_dist
sudo mkdir -p $SAVE_DIR && sudo chmod -R 777 $SAVE_DIR  # workaround for permission issue
python3 -m torch_xla.distributed.xla_dist \
  --tpu=${TPU_NAME} --restart-tpuvm-pod \
  --env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \
  -- \
python3 $(realpath \
  device=xla \
  ckpt_dir=$SAVE_DIR \
  data_dir=/checkpoint/ronghanghu/megavlt_paths/imagenet-1k \
  batch_size=4096 lr=2.4e-3 weight_decay=0.1  # lr is already scaled by batch size

Running SimCLR ViT training on ImageNet-1k

Launch the training on GPUs or TPUs as follows. It trains SimCLR for 300 epochs by default. (Append num_epochs=100 to the commands below to train only for 100 epochs.)

Make sure SAVE_DIR is a shared directory that can be accessed from all nodes. For TPUs, one can use an NFS directory on GCP.

On GPUs (e.g. using 64 V100 GPUs):


srun \
  --mem=300g --nodes=8 --gres=gpu:8 --partition=learnlab,learnfair \
  --time=4300 --constraint=volta32gb --cpus-per-task=40 \
python3 \
  world_size=64 \
  ckpt_dir=$SAVE_DIR \
  data_dir=/checkpoint/ronghanghu/megavlt_paths/imagenet-1k \
  batch_size=4096 lr=3.2e-3 weight_decay=0.1  # lr is already scaled by batch size

(append use_pytorch_amp=True to the command above to use automatic mixed precision)

On TPUs (e.g. using a v3-256 TPU pod):


TPU_NAME=megavlt-256  # change to your TPU name
# use absolute paths with torch_xla.distributed.xla_dist
sudo mkdir -p $SAVE_DIR && sudo chmod -R 777 $SAVE_DIR  # workaround for permission issue
python3 -m torch_xla.distributed.xla_dist \
  --tpu=${TPU_NAME} --restart-tpuvm-pod \
  --env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \
  -- \
python3 $(realpath \
  device=xla \
  ckpt_dir=$SAVE_DIR \
  data_dir=/checkpoint/ronghanghu/megavlt_paths/imagenet-1k \
  batch_size=4096 lr=3.2e-3 weight_decay=0.1  # lr is already scaled by batch size

Running linear evaluation on the trained MoCo v3 or SimCLR models

Suppose the final checkpoint from the previous step is PRETRAINED_MODEL (e.g. /private/home/ronghanghu/workspace/simclr_vit_release/save_simclr_gpu64/vit_b16_epoch_300.ckpt or any checkpoint trained by SimCLR or MoCo v3 above). Let's evaluate it as follows.

  • For MoCo v3 (ImageNet-1k 300 epochs by default), expected linear evaluation accuracy is around 0.765 for both GPUs and TPUs.
  • For SimCLR (ImageNet-1k 300 epochs by default), expected linear evaluation accuracy is around 0.739 for both GPUs and TPUs.

Make sure SAVE_DIR is a shared directory that can be accessed from all nodes. For TPUs, one can use an NFS directory on GCP.

On GPUs (e.g. using 64 V100 GPUs):

# SAVE_DIR can be the same or a different directory from SSL training

srun \
  --mem=300g --nodes=8 --gres=gpu:8 --partition=learnlab,learnfair \
  --time=4300 --constraint=volta32gb --cpus-per-task=40 \
python3 $(realpath \
  world_size=64 \
  ckpt_dir=$SAVE_DIR \
  data_dir=/checkpoint/ronghanghu/megavlt_paths/imagenet-1k \

On TPUs (e.g. using a v3-256 TPU pod):

# SAVE_DIR can be the same or a different directory from SSL training

TPU_NAME=megavlt-256  # change to your TPU name
# use absolute paths with torch_xla.distributed.xla_dist
sudo mkdir -p $SAVE_DIR && sudo chmod -R 777 $SAVE_DIR  # workaround for permission issue
python3 -m torch_xla.distributed.xla_dist \
  --tpu=${TPU_NAME} --restart-tpuvm-pod \
  --env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \
  -- \
python3 $(realpath \
  device=xla \
  ckpt_dir=$SAVE_DIR \
  data_dir=/checkpoint/ronghanghu/megavlt_paths/imagenet-1k \