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Python implementation of the force and diffusion inference method described in (Frishman and Ronceray, Phys. Rev. X 10, 021009, 2020).
StochasticForceInference is a package aimed at reconstructing spatially variable force, diffusion and current fields and computing entropy production in Brownian processes. It implements the method presented in SFI_TheoryManual.pdf. Reference:
Learning Force Fields from Stochastic Trajectories, Anna Frishman and Pierre Ronceray, Phys. Rev. X 10, 021009, 2020.
Package author: Pierre Ronceray. Contact: [email protected]. Web page:
This is a force and diffusion inference package for overdamped systems. For underdamped/inertial systems, check StochasticInertialForceInference:
Developed in Python 3.6. Dependencies:
NumPy, SciPy
Optional: Matplotlib (2D plotting, recommended); Mayavi2 (3D plotting)
##Contents: a front-end includer of all classes useful to the user. contains a data wrapper class, StochasticTrajectoryData, which formats trajectories for force and diffusion inference. Also contains a number of plotting routines (of the trajectory, vector fields, tensor fields...). See this file for the different ways to initialize it using data. implements the core force, velocity and diffusion inference class, StochasticForceInference, that reconstructs the these fields, computes error on this reconstruction, and computes entropy production. Takes as input a StochasticTrajectoryData instance, and inference parameters. contains the class OverdampedLangevinProcess, which implements a simple Ito integration of Brownian dynamics, useful for testing the method with known models. It takes as input a force field and a diffusion tensor field. Also used by StochasticForceInference to bootstrap new trajectories with the inferred force field. implements an internal class, TrajectoryProjectors, used by DiffusionInference and StochasticForceInference. Given a set of fitting functions, it orthonormalizes it as a premise to the inference. provides an internal dictionary of (more or less) standard fitting bases, such as polynomials. This dictionary is called by DiffusionInference and StochasticForceInference at initialization, unless a custom base is provided by the user. a few plotting functions for the convenience of the author. a fully commented example of force and diffusion inference on the example of a simple 3D process. Start here! a more advanced example: active Brownian particles. Shows how to extract the pair interaction force.
Enjoy, and please send feedback at [email protected]!