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📦 A simplified example of a modern module bundler written in JavaScript

Results 12 minipack issues
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Hi, thank you for sharing this amazing project! I learned a lot while reading it, so I translated it into Japanese. Thanks again!

webpack should always be written in lower-case letters, even at the beginning of a sentence. See:

I want to know ,the data structure that is bundle function returned, and the bootstrap function.what does above ideas inspire from?

```//example.js const graph = createGraph('./example/entry.js'); ```

Same one as in the previous case.

Change the parameter name for function `createAsset` according to previuos description and semantic concept of `fs.readFileSync`.

This simple if fixes duplicate dependencies and circular dependencies

To avoid "no such file or directory" error, append .js extension to make full file path

Thanks so much for this simple example! It really revealed the 'magic' behind javascript bundler for me. There is a point I'm not quite understand though. Regarding the `for .....