reva icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
reva copied to clipboard

Reva Forth (public-domain x86 Forth)

			   Reva Forth
		 by Ron Aaron ([email protected])
		 and the Reva development team

This document is intended as a "first step" to get you up and running Reva. The complete documentation is on the Wiki:

That is where you should look for in-depth information (including installation information). It is kept up-to-date.


Reva is distributed "ready to run". Unzip the distribution ZIP file wherever you want the "reva" directory to appear. Then put that path plus "reva/bin/lin" (on Linux or 'reva/bin/mac' for Mac OS/X or "reva\bin\win" for Windows) in your PATH environment variable.

For example: if you unpacked the ZIP file to "C:\MYSTUFF", then you will want to make sure "C:\MYSTUFF\REVA\BIN" is added to your PATH. Similarly on Linux if you had unpacked to "mystuff" in your home directory, add "~/mystuff/reva/bin" to your PATH.

You may also rename the "reva" directory to something else, for example "reva905" or something. Just make sure the correct name is in the PATH, or you will have to use the full path to Reva to get it to start.


As mentioned, Reva is "ready to run". However, you may want to rebuild Reva or the "core" yourself. Rebuilding Reva itself only requires the "reva core". Rebuilding the "reva core" requires the NASM assembler and the gcc compiler.

There are two possible scenarios:

1. The "build" programs exist.  Look in the "bin/xxx" directory for a
"build" file, where 'xxx' is one of 'win', 'lin' or 'mac'.

If the build program exists, simply type "bin/xxx/build" (as appropriate
for your OS).  That will rebuild "reva".  You can type "build core" to
build the "reva core", in the event you need to.

2. You somehow removed the "build" programs or they don't work for you
(please report that as a bug!).  So if you have NASM and make, type:

	make bootstrap


Reva has a pretty good online help system. Just type "help". For help on a specific word, specify that word after "help" -- for example, "help @"

Should you find Reva useful, please send me an email and/or consider joining the Reva email list -- the link to it is on the Reva main web page listed above.


If you want to contribute code to Reva, you can always send and email to Ron. But if you want to be an active developer, please ask Ron for a developer's account; then you will be able to keep in the active development loop.
