
Results 40 comments of ronaaron

Haven't tried 256px fonts, but if there's enough memory on the video card, it should work fine. My experience has been that rendering at the specific desired px size is...

Yes, Dear ImGui does have a Metal backend; but I was hoping someone had already either ported that or had a similar bit of working code for Nuklear.

I'm posting about my progress porting from JUCE to Nuklear [on the 8th forum](,1977.0.html), if you're interested

Thanks for pinging me. I am actually very happy about the idea behind this, but I don't have time at the moment to review it. If it's still 'on the...

Hi Andre - I just encountered your library a few days ago, and have started incorporating it into 8th for PDF output. The embedded fonts is of particular interest (as...

So... I'm thinking having an #ifdef EMBED_FONTS or the like, which would be reliant on stb_truetype.h, might be an easy way to go. That way, someone wishing to have the...

The problem occurs when the font config 'range' is split. For example, it fails with `{0x20,0x200, 0x2000, 0x2fff, 0}` but works ok with `{0x20,0x2fff,0}` Not sure if it's a baking...

Curiouser and curiouser... "Ubuntu-R" has a problem, but e.g. "Roboto-Regular" is fine.

Commenting out line #16598 seems to fix the issue `if (!pc->x0 && !pc->x1 && !pc->y0 && !pc->y1) continue;` What is happening is that a missing glyph throws off the number...