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:smirk: :page_facing_up: An awesome list of educational websites, YouTube playlists, channels and books about programming
Awesome Courses
Table of Contents
Awesome Courses
- Table of Contents
- :heavy_exclamation_mark: Contribution Guidelines
- :globe_with_meridians: Websites
- :page_facing_up: Blogs
- :tv: Youtube Channels
:arrow_forward: Youtube Playlists
- Android
- Angular
- C
- Design Patterns in Object Oriented Programming
- Docker
- EcmaScript (ES)
- Firebase
- Flutter
- GitHub
- Gulp
- Java
- Javascript
- JQuery
- Node.js
- Game Development
- Graphql
- Python
- Regex
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- React
- React-Native
- Redux
- Golang
- Svelte
- Swift
- Unity
- Vue
- Vuex
- Webpack
:books: Books
- Game Development
- Git
- Java
- Javascript
- Python
- React
- Ruby
Contribution Guidelines
What kind of site/playlist can I add?
- Any website (free or paid) that provides programming courses.
- Any Youtube's playlist or channel that can be categorized as a programming course.
- Any book (free or paid) with programming subject.
- Any blog that posts any sort of relevant programming content.
Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Please, ensure to add the suggestions in alphabetical order
- For Websites: Use the following format:
[Site Name](link)
- For Youtube Playlist: Use the following format:
[Channel Name - Playlist Name](playlist's link)
- For Youtube Channel: Use the following format:
[Channel Name](channel's link)
- For Books: Use the following format:
[Book Name](book's link)
- For Blogs: Use the following format:
[Blog Name](blog's link)
- New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome.
English is the main language, if you wanna add content in other language, just follow the same rules above adding the respective flag of the content's language.
You can get the flag's emoji code here
Thank you for your suggestions!
:globe_with_meridians: Websites
- A Cloud Guru
- Alura :brazil:
- Alison
- Checkio
- Class Central
- Code School
- Codecademy
- CodeChef
- CodeCombat
- CodeFights
- Codeforces
- CodeFree Startup
- Codeplace
- Codewars
- CodinGame
- Coursera
- CSS Tricks
- Dash
- DataCamp
- Edx
- Exercism
- EXLskills
- Free Code Camp
- Frontend Masters
- FullCycle :brazil:
- Future Learn
- Grok Learning
- Hacker Rank
- HackerEarth
- Hacksplaining
- Interviewbit
- Just Javascript
- Khan Academy
- Leetcode
- Linkedin Learning
- Microsoft Virtual Academy
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- Online Courses
- Open Culture
- Open Source Society University
- Origamid :brazil:
- Pluralsight
- Programiz
- SitePoint
- Sonar Learning
- Spoj
- Tania Rascia's Tutorials
- Traversy Media
- Treehouse
- Tutorials Point
- Udacity
- Udemy
- URI Online Judge
- W3schools
:page_facing_up: Blogs
- CSS Tricks
- Smashing Magazine
- Willian Justen :brazil:
:tv: Youtube Channels
- Academind
- Auth0
- Ben Awad
- blondiebytes
- Christopher Okhravi
- Clever Programmer
- Codesmith
- Coding Tech
- Código Fonte TV :brazil:
- CS Dojo
- CS50
- Derek Banas
- DevTips
- Fabio Vedovelli :brazil:
- Facebook Developers
- Filipe Deschamps :brazil:
- freeCodeCamp
- Fun Fun Function
- Jason Lengstorf
- La Cocina del Código :es:
- Netflix UI Engineering
- ProgrammingKnowledge
- Rocketseat :brazil:
- Sanity
- sentdex
- The Coding Train
- Traversy Media
- Treehouse
- Web Dev Simplified
:arrow_forward: Youtube Playlists
- Academind - Angular 6 & RxJS 6
- Awais Mirza - Angular 4 tutorial for beginners
- Loiane Groner - Curso de Angular :brazil:
- Michelli Brito - Curso Angular 9 :brazil:
- The Net Ninja - AngularJS Tutorials
- CSS Castshow - Desenhando com CSS :brazil:
- DevTips - CSS Animations Series
- Flexbox Froggy
- The Net Ninja - CSS Animation Tutorial
- The Net Ninja - CSS Flexbox Tutorial
- The Net Ninja - CSS Grid Tutorial
- The Net Ninja - CSS Positioning Tutorial
- Rocketseat - Docker :brazil:
EcmaScript (ES)
- Codecasts - Introdução ao Firebase :brazil:
- Academind - Flutter Tutorial for Beginners
- Bram Vanbilsen - Flutter Crash Course - Building a Complete App From Scratch
- Ben Awad - Flutter
- Awais Mirza - complete javascript tutorials for beginners
- Codecasts - Fast & Furious ES6 :brazil:
- Codecasts - Módulos JavaScript :brazil:
- freeCodeCamp - JavaScript Basics
- Fun Fun Function - Iterators and Generators in JS
- Fun Fun Function - Object Creation in Javascript
- Rodrigo Branas - Desvendando a linguagem Javascript :brazil:
- The Net Ninja - JavaScript Tutorials for Beginners
- Willian Justen - Mini-curso de TypeScript :brazil:
- Adam Bien tutorials
- Devoxx
- InfoQ
- JavaMeetupSP :brazil:
- JetBrainsTV
- Loiane Groner :brazil:
- Official Java channel
- Sebastian Daschner
- SouJava :brazil:
- Spring Developer
- Thoughts on Java
- virtual Java User Group
- Academind - Building a RESTful API with Node.js
- Academind - Node.js Basics
- Rocketseat - NodeJS :brazil:
- Webservice RESTful com Node.js, Restify e MySQL :brazil:
- Awais Mirza - Python tutorial for beginners
- Derek Banas - Learn to Program
- Learn By Example - Python Basics
- MIT 6 0001 - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python (2016)
- Programming with Mosh - Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners [Full Course]
- Python Code Katas
- Python for Data Science and Analytics Tutorial Series by Tomi Mester - Data36
- Python Workshop by Shayan Fahimi
- Sentdex - Python 3 Basics Tutorial Series
- thenewboston - Python 3.4 Programming Tutorials
Design Patterns in Object Oriented Programming
Game Development
Ruby on Rails
- Academind - ReactJS Basics
- Awais Mirza - React JS Tutorial for beginners 2017
- Ben Awad - React Hooks Tutorial
- LevelUpTuts - React For Everyone
- Rocketseat - ReactJS :brazil:
- The Net Ninja - React Tutorials
- Web Dev Simplified - React Hooks
- Ben Awad - React Native Web Series
- CS50 - Mobile App Development with React Native
- Michael Nissen - React Native Tutorials
- Michael Nissen - React Native - Build An iPhone App From Scratch
:books: Books
Game Development
- Pro Git :brazil:
- Effetive Java
- Head First Java
- Java e Orientação a Objetos :brazil:
- Java para Desenvolvimento Web :brazil:
- The Java Web Scraping Handbook
- Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- Deep JavaScript
- DOM Enlightenment
- Eloquent JavaScript
- Exploring ES2016 and ES2017
- Human JavaScript
- JavaScript for impatient programmers
- JavaScript Succinctly
- JavaScript (ES2015+) Enlightenment
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
- Practical Modern JavaScript
- Single page apps in depth
- Speaking JavaScript
- Tackling TypeScript
- You Don't Know JS - Get Started 2nd Ed.
- You Don't Know JS - Scope & Closures 2nd Ed.