shopify-active-merchant-shop-example copied to clipboard
Yandex.Money with ActiveMerchant rails gem integration tutorial
This tutorial shows how to integrate Yandex.Money online payment service into your rails shop application with Shopify active_merchant library.
Setting up the example
At first check out the example shop application
$ git clone
When navigate to shop without Yandex.Money integration
$ cd rails_shop_example_before
and set up shop example with following commands:
$ bundle install
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
after all run your example
$ rails server
Open (http://localhost:3000/) in your browser to view the shop where your can add/edit products, add them to cart.
To buy products we must add payment service to this shop example.
Adding Yandex.Money payment service into shop
add 'activemerchant' gem to Gemfile
gem 'activemerchant'
install the gem with by bundle install
$ bundle install
add active merchant initialization script activemerchant.rb
to config/initializers/
require 'active_merchant'
require 'active_merchant/billing/integrations/action_view_helper'
ActionView::Base.send(:include, ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::ActionViewHelper)
# to choose 'production' or 'test' mode
ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.integration_mode = :test # for sandbox
#ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.integration_mode = :production # for production use
add your shop secret for to config in application.rb
config.yandex_money_shop_secret = 'YOUR_SHOP_SECRET' # replace with actial shop secret provided by Yandex.Money
insert payment form to cart template app/views/carts/show.html.erb
<%= payment_service_for, "CUSTOMER_ID",
:amount => @cart.total_price,
:service => :yandex_money,
:currency => 'RUB' do |service| %>
<% service.return_url url_for(:only_path => false, :action => 'index', :controller => 'orders') %>
<% service.scid 12345 %>
<% service.shopId 123 %>
<% service.shopArticleId 1234 %>
<% service.description %>
<%= submit_tag "Pay for your Order" %>
<% end %>
in this template:
- service.scid = 12345 - Showccase ID for your shop (provided by Yandex.Money)
- service.shopId = 123 - Your shop ID provided by Yandex.Money
- service.shopArticleId = 1234 - Article ID for your shop (provided by Yandex.Money)
- service.description - Your cart/article description
modify carts_controller.rb
to add payment processing
include active merchant integration at top of the file
include ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations
and add method to work with notification from Yandex.Money
def notify
notify =
puts notify
if notify.acknowledge ExampleStore::Application.config.yandex_money_shop_secret
if notify.complete?
@cart = Cart.find(notify.item_id)
# check cart amount with notification amount
if @cart.total_price == notify.gross
# store complete order
@cart.status = 'success'
@cart.purchased_at =
@order = Order.create(:total => notify.gross,
:card_holder_name => notify.customer_id, # cause we don't have customer name in notification
:order_number => notify.transaction_id)
# notification amount not match with cart amount
# set error code "100"
notify.set_response 100
res = notify.response
render text: res
add notification route to config/routes.rb
match '/yandexmoney/notify'=>'carts#notify'
and set up CSRF protection mode that make notification works in application controller app/controllers/application_controller.rb
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
The final step
After all necessary modification in our example we can start shop again with command
$ rails server
and try to make test payment.