RESideMenu copied to clipboard
black status bar when open side menu
when I open side menu a black view appears instead of status bar only on iOS 10
Me,too. How to fix it if anyone knows that ?
if only somebody resolved that...
ok, so for the legacy knowledge what I have done to solve it:
- I have this view controller
@interface RootVC () <RESideMenuDelegate>
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIViewController *contentVC;
- I created this little handy bit for crafting a side menu view controller
- (RESideMenu *)configuredSideMenuVCWithMenu:(UIViewController *)menuVC {
RESideMenu *sideMenuViewController = [[RESideMenu alloc] initWithContentViewController:self.contentVC leftMenuViewController:nil rightMenuViewController:menuVC];
// Here I change all sorts of parameters like shadows, colors, etc.
return sideMenuViewController;
- and finally I changed the background color to the desired value after hiding the menu (you can change it in other delegate methods if you play with shadows like I did inside my
- (void)sideMenu:(RESideMenu *)sideMenu didHideMenuViewController:(UIViewController *)menuViewController {
self.contentVC.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor;