Roman Štrobl
Roman Štrobl
Let's refactor the method: `PowerAuthRequestCanonizationUtils.canonizeGetParameters()` to allow parsing input parameters from either a `queryString` or from a map with query parameters (either `Map` without duplicates or `MultiValueMap` with duplicates).
The compressed representation of EC public keys provides following benefits: - the exported key is shorter, takes less space in database and during transport - the key format will be...
We should use unsigned conversion when converting `byte[]` representation of the `d` number to `BigInteger`. See Bouncy Castle utility method:
The following sample script does not work on Oracle: Oracle does not support `IF NOT EXISTS` and `UPDATE ... SET ... FROM ... WHERE` syntax.
Currently, all inbox messages stay in database for both unread and read records. We should consider implementing message expiration, so that messages older than e.g. 1 year (configurable parameter) are...
The new endpoint PUT `/inbox/{userId}/messages/read-all` should allow marking all Inbox messages as read for a user.
We should use converters in REST API whever entities are converted in code directly (e.g. AppCredentialsEntity -> PushServerApplication).
We migrated from AsyncRestTemplate to WebClient during migration to Spring boot 2. We should prepare performance tests and compare permance of AsyncRestTemplate with WebClient performance for FCM push notifications.
Java 15 reports missing JavaDoc for any method as a warning.