hoarder copied to clipboard
stashApply succeeds but compilation still triggers
On all sbt projects at work we have this issue.
We run sbt test:compile stash
in Gitlab CI job and share the stashed folder as an artifact.
On the next job we run sbt stashApply test
The compilation is still triggered before running the tests.
I've tried on this open-source, simpler project and I reproduce the issue.
I've added addSbtPlugin("com.github.romanowski" % "hoarder" % "1.0.5")
in project\plugins.sbt
then I run these commands:
sbt test:compile stash
I can see in the log that this succeeded:
[info] Project approvals-demo-scala stashed to /Users/michel/.sbt/1.0/sbt-stash/approvals-demo-scala/HEAD/2.12 using classes from List(ExportedCache(/Users/michel/.sbt/1.0/sbt-stash/approvals-demo-scala/HEAD/2.12/approvals-demo-scala/compile/analysis.zip,None), ExportedCache(/Users/michel/.sbt/1.0/sbt-stash/approvals-demo-scala/HEAD/2.12/approvals-demo-scala/test/analysis.zip,None))
sbt clean
sbt stashApply test
Here is the log where you can see that the compilation triggers even after stashApply:
[info] Set current project to approvals-demo-scala (in build file:/Users/michel/git/katas/approvals-demo-scala/)
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Dec 26, 2019, 4:55:32 PM
[info] Stash for approvals-demo-scala applied from /Users/michel/.sbt/1.0/sbt-stash/approvals-demo-scala/HEAD/2.12 to List(/Users/michel/git/katas/approvals-demo-scala/target/scala-2.12/classes, /Users/michel/git/katas/approvals-demo-scala/target/scala-2.12/test-classes)
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Dec 26, 2019, 4:55:33 PM
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/michel/git/katas/approvals-demo-scala/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[info] Compiling 4 Scala sources to /Users/michel/git/katas/approvals-demo-scala/target/scala-2.12/test-classes ...
I've checked the logs for pipelines since months and it seems this issue has been present for a long time, I have not found a CI job where the compilation was not triggered.
Hi @tyrcho
I am looking at the problem. So to seems that this commit and follows ups by @eatkins added to sbt a custom mechanism to track changed sources and binaries.
I need to investigate if I can plug in into its current form or I will need to create PR to sbt to support it.
cc @eed3si9n
Hi, thanks for replying. If I understand correctly, a recent change in sbt prevents it to pickup stashed files from hoarder and compilation is triggered again ?
Yes. I am working on workaround (but I am still not sure if it will just works).
Thanks, I see this issue as well - using sbt 1.3.6 on AWS Codebuild (backed by GitHub).
Hi, any news ? we have stopped using hoarder until this is resolved ...
Hi, @tyrcho did you find some ad-hoc workaround for preventing recompilation or maybe find how to replace 'hoarder'?
unfortunately not :(
On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 12:21 PM Daniel Esik [email protected] wrote:
Hi, @tyrcho https://github.com/tyrcho did you found some ad-hoc workaround for preventing recompilation or maybe you found how to replace 'hoarder'?
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