Mp3tag icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Mp3tag copied to clipboard

Mp3tag tools

Results 4 Mp3tag issues
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Good day, Just found your scripts and attempted to use the tag source. Unfortunately, it didn't work (reported no matching results found). Manually looking at I was able...

Used Mp3tag to tag [this album]( It worked pretty well! There is however a bunch of html markup in a few fields: ARTIST, COMPOSER and ALBUM ARTIST ![image](

Hi, I try the storytel tagger, but it's not working with the french version I try to modify the .src files to change to I try with this book...

![image]( Theses were all blank `# ###################################################################### # Mp3tag web source for, Created by Romano. # # Copy this file to your sources directory at # %APPDATA%\Mp3tag\data\sources # #...