Cerebro copied to clipboard
Windows application stuck on white screen.
When starting the Cerebro v1.1 windows app, it loads up to just a white screen. The log screen shows the following:
[2020-03-21 15:50:46.039] [info] stderr:
Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) :
namespace 'dplyr' is being loaded, but >= 0.8.3 is required
Calls: <Anonymous> ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
[2020-03-21 15:50:46.049] [info] stderr:
Execution halted
[2020-03-21 15:50:49.125] [info] mainWindow loaded
[2020-03-21 15:53:08.103] [info] window-all-closed
Figured out what the problem was. It was loading the R libraries first from my system R, instead of the app.
Hi Bob! I'm glad you resolved the issue but that shouldn't have happened in the first place. If I may ask, how did you solve it? Updating the system installation of dplyr?
I don't really use the system installation of R on my windows machine, so I just uninstalled it for the time being. Obviously not a real solution to the problem, but was the easiest at the time.
When I boot up the R that was part of the cerebro windows launcher and checked .libPaths()
it had the system R library directory before the cerebro app library directory. Perhaps some windows environment variable was pointing it there?
The system library paths should be overwritten when Cerebro starts but it's possible that it failed. Which Windows version are you using?
Windows 10 Education
Ok, thank you for the feedback and sorry for the trouble. I'll try to figure out what's going wrong there. You said you are running Cerebro v1.1, right? It would be interesting to see whether you get the same error with the v1.2 release. However, that'll be difficult to test since that old dplyr installation is now gone 😅
But since you seem to be familiar with R, you might also want to consider launching Cerebro from the R command line. That makes compatibility much easier. You can find more info here: https://romanhaa.github.io/cerebroApp/ It allows you to run all Cerebro version (v1.1, v1.2, and coming releases).
Is there a v1.2 release yet for the desktop apps? I only see v1.1 on the github releases.
I do actually use cerebroApp and it's worked well for me! I haven't installed much on my home windows system though, so was hoping I could be lazy and just launch the windows app.
No there isn't, at least not yet. I haven't managed to generate one since I moved to a new machine and don't have a Windows installation available to make and test the Windows version :/