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Implement methods and interfaces outside classes

Implementation pattern (inspired by Rust)

Useful when it is needed to extend a class (usually 3d party) with some methods or interfaces

Please, be careful. This library is literally a class patcher.


pip install impler


poetry add impler


Methods implementation

Using implementation pattern you can extend any class (even 3rd party) with regular, class or static methods.

from impler import impl
from pydantic import BaseModel

def fields_count(self: BaseModel):
    return len(self.__fields__)

class Point(BaseModel):
    x: int = 0
    y: int = 1

point = Point()

Class methods

def fields_count(cls):
    return len(cls.__fields__)

# or

def fields_count(cls):
    return len(cls.__fields__)

Static methods

def zero(cls):
    return 0

# or

def zero(cls):
    return 0

Async methods

async def zero(cls):
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return 0

Interfaces implementation

The same way you can extend any class with the whole interface

Here is example of the base interface

from pathlib import Path

class BaseFileInterface:
    def dump(self, path: Path):

    def parse(cls, path: Path):

This is how you can implement this interface for Pydantic BaseModel class:

from impler import impl
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pathlib import Path

@impl(BaseModel, as_parent=True)
class ModelFileInterface(BaseFileInterface):
    def dump(self, path: Path):
    def parse(cls, path: Path):
        return cls.parse_file(path)

If as_parent parameter is True the implementation will be injected to the list of the target class parents.

Then you can check if the class or object implements the interface:

print(issubclass(BaseModel, BaseFileInterfase))
# True

print(issubclass(Point, BaseFileInterfase))
# True

print(isinstance(point, BaseFileInterface))
# True

The whole api documentation could be found by the link