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Import packages and modules from arbitrary directories and files

.. vim: ft=rst sts=2 sw=2 tw=70 .. default-role:: literal

.. This file is marked up using reStructuredText. Lines beginning with ".." are reST directives. "foo_" or "foo bar_" is a link, defined at ".. _foo" or ".. _foo bar". "::" introduces a literal block (usually some form of code). "foo" is some kind of identifier. Suspicious backslashes in the text ("std::string\s") are required for reST to recognize the preceding character as syntax.

====================================================================== py-impala

Import packages and modules from arbitrary directories and files

:Author: Roman Neuhauser :Contact: [email protected] :Copyright: This document is in the public domain.


Impala is a PEP302_ protocol (sys.meta_path hook for the import statement) implementation allowing the user to import packages and modules from arbitrarily named directories and files.

.. _PEP302:


  • Comfort and freedom in development
  • Installed interface available without installation

Let's say I'm developing a Python package called pyoneer. I want to lay the source code out like this: ::

README.txt src/ tests/ ...

The question then is, how do I import pyoneer in the test files (<workdir>/tests/...) and have it load <workdir>/src/ The default import mechanism requires packages to live in eponymous directories.

What's the fuss about, you ask? I should simply rename the src directory to pyoneer or maybe src/pyoneer, no?

Indeed, this would be tolerable, at least with top-level packages. However, if I'm working on something that will be available as after installation, I certainly don't want to wade through the desolate src/foo/bar to get to the source code.

Maybe I could import src in the tests instead? Well, tests are a form of documentation, and doubly so with doctest_. "Proper" documentation (README.txt, etc) can also contain snippets which should be verifiable without the CUT being installed.

Impala to the rescue!


from os.path import abspath, dirname import impala

root = abspath(dirname(file))

impala.register(dict( pyoneer = '%s/src' % root ))

import pyoneer

.. _doctest:


impala.register(aliases) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

aliases is a dict mapping from fully-qualified module/package names to paths to load from. To import a package p from path /a/b/c, aliases must include the key p with associated value /a/b/c, and /a/b/c/ must be a valid package entry point. To import a module m from path /f/g/, aliases must include the key m with associated value /f/g/

Example: ::

from os.path import abspath, dirname import impala

r = dirname(abspath(file))

impala.register({ 'p': '%s/a/b/c' % r, 'p.q': '%s/f/g/h' % r, 'p.q.m': '%s/' % r, })

import p import p.q import p.q.m


py-impala is distributed under the MIT license_. See LICENSE for details.

.. _MIT license:


Using pip from PyPI_, the Python Package Index: ::

pip install impala

From a checkout_ or extracted tarball: ::

python install

.. _PyPI: .. _checkout:


Source code and issue tracker are at Github: