looks great. what if we show underlying tokens (without am*)? can do this by enforcing "underlyingToken" property in all curvePools and then add it to API breakdown and match in...
new field "underlyingToken" to the lps/breakdown API. app will have to match underlyingToken || token for breakdown. those tokens are already in the address-book.
yeah its very nice, i still think displaying underlying tokens as we do in filters and vault names would be more user friendly than "Aave Matic Market Dai"
@PCRyan Absolutely yes
adding more fields is a wrong way, need to always adjust the app and imagine how messy it would be to break down this one here is 1 trading apy,...
@ReflectiveChimp lets try to simplify things, we already have compoundingsPerYear in breakdown object. we can then have "apy" and "apr" fields, but perhaps can be even simpler, let every item...