Romain Tailhurat
Romain Tailhurat
Pogues allows designers to describe simple loops: iteration over a number or a sequence. For each iteration, parts of the questionnaire is repeated. Now there are some use cases of...
In VTL, strings start and end with a double quote (→ `"`). Thus, using simple quotes (→ `'`) should raise a syntax error or at least a warning. The misuse...
A lot of error happening when generating a questionnaire are due to missing variables in control expressions. In order to smooth the process, we will implement a global check in...
A new kind of generation target is soon available: the management application, Generic. In order for designer to generate this target, we will add a new option for the "Visualize"...
⚠️ This is a stub issue, to be more thoroughly described in a near future. If a problem happens during a questionnaire generation, most of the time the user is...
When a component is moved via drag and drop in the questionnaire view, the specification for handling filters is the following: a. if the component is not a member of...
Currently, when we get an error response from the Eno API, we apply the same behaviour as a successfull one: a browser tab is open, displaying a 500 error message,...
As of today, calculated variables are available through a panel inside a question page. It would be interesting to have a dedicated page for these variables outside the question page.
When deleting an object other than a questionnaire, it would be safer to add a validation modal in order to avoid mistakes. This is a low priority issue. 🐌