zabbix-VEEAM_B-R copied to clipboard
:warning: DEPRECATED : Use SQL version for Zabbix 6.X:
This template use the VEEAM Backup & Replication PowerShell Cmdlets to discover and manage VEEAM Backup jobs, Veeam BackupSync, Veeam Tape Job, Veeam Endpoint Backup Jobs, All Repositories and Veeam Services.
- Work with Veeam backup & replication V7 to V9.5
- Work with Zabbix 3.X (english template only for V3.X) & 4.X
- French & English translation for the Template
Explanation of how it works:
The "Result Export Xml Veeam" item sends a powershell command (with nowait
option) to the host to create an xml file of the result of the Get-VBRBbackupSession
, Get-VBRJob
, Get-VRBBackup
and Get-VBREPJob
commands that is stored under C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\scripts\TempXmlVeeam\*.xml
(variable $pathxml
Then, each request imports the xml to retrieve the information.
Why? Because the execution of this command can take between 30 seconds and more than 3 minutes (depending on the history and the number of tasks) and I end up with several scripts running for a certain time and the execution is in timeout.
- Number of tasks jobs
- Number of running jobs
- Result Export Xml Veeam
Discovery Jobs
1. Veeam Jobs:
- Result of each jobs
- Execution status for each jobs
- Number of VMs Failed in each jobs
- Number of VMs Warning in each jobs
- Type for each jobs
- Number of VMs in each jobs
- Size included in each jobs (disabled by default)
- Size excluded in each jobs (disabled by default)
- Next run time of each jobs
- Last end time of each jobs
- Last run time of each jobs
2. Veeam Tape Jobs:
- Result of each jobs
- Execution status for each jobs
3. Veeam BackupSync Jobs:
- Result of each jobs
- Execution status for each jobs
- Number of VMs Failed in each jobs
- Number of VMs Warning in each jobs
- Type for each jobs
- Number of VMs in each jobs
- Size included in each jobs (disabled by default)
- Size excluded in each jobs (disabled by default)
4. Veeam Jobs Endpoint Backup:
- Result of each jobs
- Execution status for each jobs
- Next run time of each jobs
5. Veeam Jobs Replication Backup:
- Result of each jobs
- Execution status for each jobs
- Type for each jobs
6. Veeam Repository:
- Remaining space in repository for each repo
- Total space in repository for each repo
Discovery Jobs By VMs
1. VEEAM Backup By VMs:
- Result of each VMs in each Jobs
2. VEEAM BackupSync By VMs:
- Result of each VMs in each Jobs
- [WARNING] => Export XML Veeam Error
Discovery Veeam Jobs
- [HIGH] => Job has FAILED
- [AVERAGE] => Job has completed with warning
- [HIGH] => Job is still running (8 hours)
- [WARNING] => Backup Veeam data recovery problem
Discovery Veeam Tape Jobs
- [HIGH] => Job has FAILED
- [AVERAGE] => Job has completed with warning
- [HIGH] => Job is still running (8 hours)
- [INFORMATION] => No data recovery for 24 hours
Discovery Veeam BackupSync Jobs
- [HIGH] => Job has FAILED
- [AVERAGE] => Job has completed with warning
- [INFORMATION] => No data recovery for 24 hours
Discovery Veeam Jobs Endpoint Agent
- [HIGH] => Job has FAILED
- [AVERAGE] => Job has completed with warning
- [HIGH] => Job is still running (8 hours)
- [INFORMATION] => No data recovery for 24 hours
Discovery Veeam Replication Jobs
- [HIGH] => Job has FAILED
- [AVERAGE] => Job has completed with warning
- [INFORMATION] => No data recovery for 24 hours
Discovery Veeam Repository
- [HIGH] => Less than 2Gb remaining on the repository
Discovery Veeam Services (this discovery exists in standard Zabbix Windows hosts template so it removed from here to avoid conflicts and duplicates)
- [AVERAGE] => Veeam Service is down for each services
Install the Zabbix agent on your host
in the directory :C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\scripts\
(create folder if not exist). Also you can use any other directory, but change UserParameter=vbr[*] below then. -
Add the following line to your Zabbix agent configuration file:
EnableRemoteCommands=1 UnsafeUserParameters=1 ServerActive="IP or DNS Zabbix Server" Timeout=(to adjust if items arrive in timeout and don't forget to ajust the zabbixserver timeout) UserParameter=vbr[*],powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\scripts\zabbix_vbr_job.ps1" "$1" "$2" "$3"
** In Zabbix : Administration, General, Regular Expression:
- Add a new regular expression:
- Name:
- Expression Type:
Result is TRUE
- Expression:
- Name:
- Add a new regular expression:
Import TemplateVEEAM-BACKUPtrapper.xml file into Zabbix.
Purge and clean Template OS Windows if is linked to the host (you can relink it after).
Associate "Template VEEAM - Backup and Replication" to the host.
Wait about 1h for discovery, XML file to be generated and first informations retrieves.
! If you use old version (< v3) please Purge and clean "Template VEEAM-BACKUP trapper".
With a large or very large backup tasks history, the XML size can be more than 500 MB (so script finish in timeout) you can reduce this with this link : Use first : "Changing Session history retention" and if this is not enough, "Clear old job sessions".
Note: For Windows 7, Windows 2008 and older hosts to make the template work install Powershell v3 (or newer) manually.