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contrast of joint (dx,bar{n}*) interventions defined by same dx but different bar{n}*
Example: UACR/TI 90days.
dx with x=7.5 bar{n}* = continous 1, 101010..., 1001001...
In this example, we are interested in an MSM for 3 rules.
however ignores the fact that each intervention is indexed by a particular monitoring intervention and defines model terms solely based on the various levels of treatment interventions. In this case, there is only one dx so survMSM
MSM.IPAW$ $coef Periods.0to0_new.d7.5 Periods.1to1_new.d7.5 Periods.2to2_new.d7.5 Periods.3to3_new.d7.5 -5.362056 -3.953137 -4.067354 -3.152000 Periods.4to4_new.d7.5 Periods.5to5_new.d7.5 Periods.6to6_new.d7.5 Periods.7to7_new.d7.5 -6.936838 -3.870630 -4.138810 -2.931822 Periods.8to8_new.d7.5 Periods.9to17_new.d7.5 -5.218133 -5.028533
$linkfun [1] "logit_linkinv"
$fitfunname [1] "h2o.glm"
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