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mpv support?

Open sharunkumar opened this issue 4 years ago • 14 comments

Wondering if its possible to have a version that supports playing with mpv player

sharunkumar avatar Jun 16 '20 07:06 sharunkumar

Probably, or even aplay from ffmpeg.

But it's just a PoC, so I probably won't add options to select another player. You could just edit the last line of sndcpy to call mpv with the right parameters.

rom1v avatar Jun 16 '20 08:06 rom1v

hm got it. I put together this script after looking up the manual

@echo off
adb shell am start com.rom1v.sndcpy/.MainActivity
mpv tcp://localhost:28200 --demuxer=rawaudio --no-cache --demuxer-cache-wait=no

but still there is some latency in the audio. is this unavoidable?

sharunkumar avatar Jun 16 '20 08:06 sharunkumar

Over USB or Wifi?

Do you get the same latency with VLC?

rom1v avatar Jun 16 '20 08:06 rom1v

Over USB.

Latency is there in VLC but not as much as experienced on MPV

sharunkumar avatar Jun 16 '20 08:06 sharunkumar

With VLC, do you see such lines in the console: ?

If not, over USB, you could try to change --network-cache=50 (milliseconds) to a smaller value.

rom1v avatar Jun 16 '20 08:06 rom1v

If not, over USB, you could try to change --network-cache=50 (milliseconds) to a smaller value.

setting it to 0 has helped with reducing the latency. though I'm not sure how to set a similar setting in mpv. will have to look around.

on a related note, how do I close vlc when it is playing in the background?

sharunkumar avatar Jun 16 '20 09:06 sharunkumar

Okay, one more thing. When I play youtube, the audio forwards. But not when playing from an audio only source like spotify. is this intentional? 🤔

sharunkumar avatar Jun 16 '20 09:06 sharunkumar

setting it to 0 has helped with reducing the latency. though I'm not sure how to set a similar setting in mpv. will have to look around.

OK, I think I will change it to 0 by default then.

on a related note, how do I close vlc when it is playing in the background?

Because it's Windows and it's "console" vs "non-console" mode is stupid.

Once you clicked on START NOW, press Enter in the console to start playing on the computer. Press Ctrl+c in the terminal to stop (except on Windows, just disconnect the device or stop capture from the device notifications).

But not when playing from an audio only source like spotify. is this intentional?

rom1v avatar Jun 16 '20 09:06 rom1v

Damn sorry should have read the docs fully 😅

sharunkumar avatar Jun 16 '20 09:06 sharunkumar

Im trying to edit the file to use mpv instead of vlc but it's not working. Could i get step-by-step instructions to help out?

PieFlavours avatar Jun 09 '21 14:06 PieFlavours

Im trying to edit the file to use mpv instead of vlc but it's not working. Could i get step-by-step instructions to help out?

download and extract mpv and put inside mpv folder Copy paste this code to .bat file and run:

@echo off
if not defined ADB set ADB=adb
if not defined mpv set mpv="mpv\mpv"
if not defined SNDCPY_APK set SNDCPY_APK=sndcpy.apk
if not defined SNDCPY_PORT set SNDCPY_PORT=28200

if not "%1"=="" (
    set serial=-s %1
    echo Waiting for device %1...
) else (
    echo Waiting for device...

%ADB% %serial% wait-for-device || goto :error
%ADB% %serial% install -t -r -g %SNDCPY_APK% || (
    echo Uninstalling existing version first...
    %ADB% %serial% uninstall com.rom1v.sndcpy || goto :error
    %ADB% %serial% install -t -g %SNDCPY_APK% || goto :error
%ADB% %serial% forward tcp:%SNDCPY_PORT% localabstract:sndcpy || goto :error
%ADB% %serial% shell am start com.rom1v.sndcpy/.MainActivity || goto :error
echo Press Enter once audio capture is authorized on the device to start playing...
pause >nul
echo Playing audio...
%mpv% tcp://localhost:%SNDCPY_PORT% --demuxer=rawaudio --no-cache --demuxer-cache-wait=no
goto :EOF

echo Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
exit /b %errorlevel%

DarkXonline avatar Jul 15 '21 10:07 DarkXonline

mpv uses the wrong sample rate. It should be 48 KHz as shown in VLC, but mpv always uses 44.1 KHz.

Tatsh avatar Oct 27 '21 15:10 Tatsh

To replace VLC with mpv or ffplay, I tried using the following line replacements (for the line bellow "echo Playing audio..."). They seem to work well. In fact, I get very little delay with ffplay and both processes terminate on Windows after closing the script.

For mpv:

mpv --demuxer=rawaudio --demuxer-rawaudio-rate=48000 --no-cache --untimed --no-demuxer-thread --demuxer-cache-wait=no --no-terminal tcp://localhost:%SNDCPY_PORT%

For ffplay:

ffplay -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -nodisp -f s16le -probesize 32 -ac 2 -ar 48000 -acodec pcm_s16le tcp://localhost:%SNDCPY_PORT%

mpv uses the wrong sample rate. It should be 48 KHz as shown in VLC, but mpv always uses 44.1 KHz.

I added the flag --demuxer-rawaudio-rate=48000, so that's fixed.

rafuwu avatar Feb 04 '22 11:02 rafuwu

To replace VLC with mpv or ffplay, I tried using the following line replacements (for the line bellow "echo Playing audio..."). They seem to work well. In fact, I get very little delay with ffplay and both processes terminate on Windows after closing the script.

For mpv:

mpv --demuxer=rawaudio --demuxer-rawaudio-rate=48000 --no-cache --untimed --no-demuxer-thread --demuxer-cache-wait=no --no-terminal tcp://localhost:%SNDCPY_PORT%

For ffplay:

ffplay -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -nodisp -f s16le -probesize 32 -ac 2 -ar 48000 -acodec pcm_s16le tcp://localhost:%SNDCPY_PORT%

mpv uses the wrong sample rate. It should be 48 KHz as shown in VLC, but mpv always uses 44.1 KHz.

I added the flag --demuxer-rawaudio-rate=48000, so that's fixed.

I was trying to do that as well, as I was sure that mpv wouldn't have delay (evidenced by other times I used mpv vs VLC). Your parameters worked great, thank you!

One thing for me (on Windows 10, mpv-x86_64-20220703-git-369168b), is that --no-terminal didn't stop an OSC screen appearing for MPV, so I deleted that and used --player-operation-mode=cplayer instead:

mpv --demuxer=rawaudio --demuxer-rawaudio-rate=48000 --no-cache --untimed --no-demuxer-thread --demuxer-cache-wait=no --player-operation-mode=cplayer tcp://localhost:%SNDCPY_PORT%

trykert avatar Jul 07 '22 17:07 trykert