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Pricing Matrix
Pricing / Subscriptions /Plans
pricing matrix
- vendor that can handle monthly and annual billing
subscriptions as basically roles
Pricing tiers -- See users who viewed ads. -- manage ad meta data / create own ad types ??? -- dedicated profile and organization pages??? -- social media posting???
- advertising removal? - no ads on dedicated sites??? - ads / split revenue.
-- featured ads
grants / permissions / features ??? -- options such as limits on the feature
current ? -- compare
one tier inherits from the other tier - overlaps are overriden by highest tier.
websocket will be needed to sync features on front-end after action that changes features with limits.
pricing matrix
- subscriptions models -- features ---- frequency (year|month|day?) ---- limit (undefined = unlimited/null | number) ---- [current] current count - number
- Post Ads -- X Limit a month
- View Ads
- Picture limit
- Unlimited ad postings
- Unlimited conversations
- Image galleries? - 20 limit???? per ad ?
$3 month
- Additional searchable meta data?
1 Organization ????
1 Profile ???
one ad profile
dedicated site
branding / theming options -- dedicated hosting -- lambda?
// - Aggregated analytics
$6 month
- Unlimited Organizations
- Unlimted ad profiles
- Aggregated analytics -- dedicated sites -- branding / theming options -- dedicated hosting -- lambda?
$12 month
safe gauards are needsed to prevent fraud with this model we also need to inplement quotes and quotas
alternate / aditive priving model based on what you use.
get ad (rest call) elastic search | mongo | sqs
display ad - might not cost anything - javascript driven. - include in cost?
ad caching strategies