hedge copied to clipboard
commerce system
- bitcoin
- etherum
- ...
- auth.net
- ccbill
- ect.
product - price
- standard product - nothing special needed
- availability_date -- when this product becomes available for sale.
- expiration_date - when this product expires -- separate product for each month - fine.
- golang - commerce module
(elastic and s3)
- anytime product is changed version changes - previous version is flagged not active and new version becomes active version for (sku, site_id).
foo_subscription - for now this will work
need to maintain verioning manually because does not currently exist for an ad - should add as feature -- see how ad changed over time - history.
will need ability to do between for ad search... unless we just remove availability and expiration for now.
could just make this an ad...
i think it is possible in elastic to get the highest version... without an active flag.
user can no longer own a product that has expired? - when digital
product will still be shown in order history.
/user/products --- get all products that have been purchased by user.
cassandra query - get all orders, than get all items matching order
if(has target product) { }
access control for pages
query something
gaurds in angular at a generic level for blocking access to specific pages based on whether user has product? -- or do we abstract into permissions -- roles and permissions based on product purchases.?
- we might be better off combining orders and line_items... maybe orders - cassandra?
- id
- site
- user_id (user)
- final_total_cost
- created_date
partition key (site, user_id) clustering key (created_date)
- id
- site
- order_id (guid)
- entity
- entity_id
- user_id
- individual_cost
- quantity
- total_cost
- weight
- attributes map<string, string>
partition key (site, entity, entity_id, user_id) clustering key (weight)
- id
- user_id
- status
- entity 'order'
- entity_id - ssssssssss
- type (cc, crypto, etc)
- subtype (bitcoin, authorize.net, etc)
- amount
- attributes map<string, string>
Save Order
- followed by paying for order.
POST /payment { type: 'cc' subtype: 'authorize.net, entity: '', entity_id: 'aaa-ccc-cccccc', amount: 123.00, attributes }
before save process payment
save payment to db.
do I want failed payment records in db - yes
order fullfilment models/flows
- place user in group. -- group associated with role that has policy to access content in restricted bucket / folder.