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Adding License to SPDX Listing?

Open scodon opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Given the license and source code have remained stable since 2013, would it be acceptable to have the license submitted for inclusion on the SPDX list (see. https://spdx.org/licenses/) per the guidelines (see. https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML/blob/master/DOCS/license-inclusion-principles.md)?

The aim would be to aid in compliance with your terms (particularly the non-commercial requirement) through detection in SBOM generation.

scodon avatar Feb 25 '22 21:02 scodon

I am not the original author of VQMT and didn't pick the license. I would suggest contacting EPFL and/or the original author about such request.

rolinh avatar Feb 28 '22 09:02 rolinh