yi-hack-Allwinner-v2 copied to clipboard
y21ga bootloop
It happens if I just hit save config and reboot. It blinks blue and reboots after a while.
The only change is in the system.conf from RTSP_AUDIO=yes to RTSP_AUDIO=
Don't know why it leaves it empty, but it breaks the boot.
edit: changing other things also makes it bootloop, even if RTSP_AUDIO=yes is set. I'll try to narrow it down...
This is a strange one, sometimes I can make it boot by deleting the autogenerated hostname file and undoing the rtsp changes, but after a few attemps it completely stops booting. I even tried saving and restoring the initial state of the sd card. It won't even connect to the cloud with no sd card in it. Only reseting helps.
Btw, I have four cameras, all have the problem. RFUS*
I dumped mtdblock7.bin and compared it with the one created on the sdcard just after the reset. My SSID is 9 letters and the last character was changed to 0, or simply truncated to 8 characters. Any idea why saving the settings would do that?
Okay, I can now repro the bug easily. Created a 9 and 8 letter SSID on my router for convenience.
First, after reset, it connects to the 9 letter AP. I ssh into the camera and dump mtdblock7, see that the last letter is missing. Copy /tmp/configure_wifi.cfg and run configure_wifi.sh, SSID restored, reboot, it connects, but the last letter is missing again. Something happens during boot, unfortunatelly it was not the save settings functionallity.
Created a longer SSID just for fun. The 9th letter becomes a 0 but the rest is still there in mtdblock7.
So, it's not related to the webgui save button.
During the boot... The hack procedure is responsible to run the configure_wifi.sh script when the cam is hacked. Just the 1st time. If the camera is already hacked, the script doesn't start.
The other script /tmp/sd/yi-hack/script/configure_wifi.sh is executed when you click "Save" in the page http://IP-CAM/index.html?page=wifi And it's not started during the boot.
I don't remember other script/binaries of my hack that change mtdblock7. It could be a bug in the Yi binaries. Are you able to try to set the wifi credentials using the app? And check if the SSID changes after the reboot (and the full content of the mtdblock7)?
Yes, every reboot overwrites that byte (or the first 8 with a terminating 0), with or without the sd card. I think it's unrelated to the hack and specific only to this version of the camera. I can change the SSID on the web interface, did it once.
The cameras came from the official Aliexpress store last month, pack of four. Not the latest ones, I guess that's what they randomly picked.
I no longer have unhacked samples to test longer SSIDs. That would have been a good test.
Maybe you should update the cam to version 12.1.19.
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