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How to test the model which I have generated with new dataset.
Hi Mr. Rolczynski, I have tried to generate a new model with a new training dataset(code is as below which is same as you have mentioned in github) dataset = asr.dataset.Audio.from_csv('C:/Users/XXXXX/Automatic-Speech-Recognition-master/84-121123-dev.csv', batch_size=25) dev_dataset = asr.dataset.Audio.from_csv('C:/Users/XXXXX/Automatic-Speech-Recognition-master/84-121550-dev.csv', batch_size=25)
alphabet = asr.text.Alphabet(lang='en') features_extractor = asr.features.FilterBanks( features_num=160, winlen=0.02, winstep=0.01, winfunc=np.hanning ) model = asr.model.get_deepspeech2( input_dim=160, output_dim=29, rnn_units=800, is_mixed_precision=False ) optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam( lr=1e-4, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8 ) decoder = asr.decoder.GreedyDecoder() pipeline = asr.pipeline.CTCPipeline( alphabet, features_extractor, model, optimizer, decoder ), dev_dataset, epochs=25)'C:/Users/XXXX/Automatic-Speech-Recognition-master/Automatic-Speech-Recognition-master/automatic_speech_recognition/checkpoint/')
The training resulted in some files, which are as below in the checkpoint directory 'alphabet.bin, , 'decoder.bin', 'feature_extractor.bin', and 'model.h5'
But my question is how to load the model which i have just created. I believe the code which you have provided to test a pre -trained model (below) works only with deep speech model and not my own model.
file = 'to/test/sample.wav' # sample rate 16 kHz, and 16 bit depth sample = asr.utils.read_audio(file) pipeline = asr.load('deepspeech2', lang='en') pipeline.model.summary() # TensorFlow model sentences = pipeline.predict([sample])
Can you please help me to resolve this. I really appreciate your effort in helping the larger audience to get the knowledge of how speech to text recognition works.
Is there an explanatory document on how to use the produced model file?