Roland Johann

Results 15 issues of Roland Johann

**Context** After introducing mutation tests at the backend with PIT we now move on to the frontend and are doing some PoCs on a small react TypeScript code base. At...

⁉ Question

Is it possible to inject the webmanifest not only at build, but at `astro dev`? Looked briefly into the integration API and it seems that there is no hook present...

I'm building an POC for sales forecast and getting an exception that I can't get rid of. ``` org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException: illegal state: maximal count (100.000) exceeded: evaluations at org.apache.commons.math3.optim.BaseOptimizer$MaxEvalCallback.trigger( at org.apache.commons.math3.util.Incrementor.incrementCount(

Regarding RFC7158 JSON has to be encoded with UTF-8 by default and specifying this at the http response is not necessary and will be omitted by some server applications....

This library is great, but lacks the ability to output and parse internationalized strings. Micrograms for example will be printed as `mcg` whereas it will be printed `µg` in europe....