Matthias Kröll

Results 20 comments of Matthias Kröll

@Marlinski The bpsec will happen next month. Due to personal circumstances I had shift my work focus, but it is not canceled from my side. I will take a look...

Hey @Marlinski , yes there is some good progress. Have a look at the bpsec branch. I am nearly finished with a bib-iop-sha2-hmac block. Then there are also some processing...

 hey @Marlinski I got a rough draft of the BIP-IOP-HMAC-SHA2. As discussed, here are two strings you could try a first test against: BIB String: `8503020000583A86810100018201662F2F7372632F8182010581820181820158208E7CED016A327364E0E38B294E00B46BB3D38C1CC495C7E5AA441D43AD71A7F4` Bundle String: `9F89071A00020000028201662F2F6473742F8201662F2F7372632F8201662F2F7372632F821B0000009E9CBE307F001A001B7740440C793A3A8503020000583A86810100018201662F2F7372632F8182010581820181820158208E7CED016A327364E0E38B294E00B46BB3D38C1CC495C7E5AA441D43AD71A7F486010100024B68656C6C6F20776F726C6444D02A2ADDFF` They...

@oxzi @CryptoCopter I would like to schedule a meeting with you to present and explain the work that has been done.

I had similar problems, we have a LOT of DTO Classes, many of them are deeply nested and also Unions generated with freezed. What works for me is that I...

That would be amazing! Any updates on that? @thesayyn @kiwicopple Is it just blocked by review?

@vishal-android-freak Did you solve the issue? @cloudwebrtc Do you have any idea what could be going on?

@cloudwebrtc Sorry for the late reply, I was on a longer vacation. The Issue was caused by Lets Encrypt Certs, there seem to be the same problems over at Matrix...

> hi @rokk4, I have similar issue like you when call with 4G IOS. I try to use ZeroSSL but some errors below make me confused, can you take a...

Can't this be a simple cron job thing? Check last calibration timestamp , discharge if timstamp + 14 days < now then set semaphore -1 If sempahore -1, discharge if...