If I am right only counters will have a _created value. What would be great is that we actually use those created lines: T1 total 1 created at 01:00 T1+10s...
My initial understanding was @beorn7 's understanding after hearing a couple of times about openmetrics. To me, _created was just an extra information that would be stored in some ways...
@pieterdejaeghere Can you please tell us what is the impact of applying the relabeling rule as suggested by @beorn7 in the original post (if you are confident you do not...
Hello, the memory usage is probably partly because of the _created lines that you have accumulated over time.
I also think we should drop them, with a config option to optionally include them if needed by some users/usecases.
Added to dev summit backlog.
Should we have bitmap opérations in PromQL?
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jMeDsLvDfO92Qnry_JLAXalvMRzMSB1sBr9V7LolpYM/edit is relevant here.
`kube_metric1 and on (kubernetes_pod_node_name) label_join(kube_node_labels, "kubernetes_pod_node_name","","node")` is basically the `label_copy` function suggested in https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/2204#issuecomment-407248342 It was merged on Jun 16, 2017, so after this ticket was created, and resolves this...