Can we leverage https://github.com/prometheus/common/tree/main/sigv4 for the sigv4 part? does it make sense?
I am wondering if that should be a feature given that Prometheus itself does not support that. And also I wonder, if the maintainers of this repo want it, if...
I have poked @SuperQ about this one. I still think this could be an HTTP parameter instead of a pushprox parameter.
Prometheus sends the scrape timeout in HTTP headers, we should reuse it.
Static labels can be added by prometheus itself at scrape time.
Well you could just stop pacemaker and continue to have corosync quorum information up.
> error while linting: text format parsing error in line 12: expected integer as timestamp, got "#" I am not sure that promtool check metrics checks the openmetrics format, it...
this will be a big issue when moving away from phantomjs :( How are you doign with grafana? The current rendering also depends on nodejs? ./tools/phantomjs/render.js requires nodejs?
Mhh I am wondering now why chromedp was not used instead of puppeeter? That would be a go-only solution.
FYI We do it like this: SELECT "ford" as type, "green" as color, foobar FROM foobar