docker_shinken icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker_shinken copied to clipboard

FROM debian:jessie

Open arthurzenika opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

Would it be possible to have this image deriving from debian:jessie and not debian:wheezy ?

arthurzenika avatar Mar 30 '17 12:03 arthurzenika

even strech now actually :)

Sispheor avatar Aug 11 '17 09:08 Sispheor

I got this working using the following Dockerfile:

# Shinken Docker installation using pip (latest)
FROM        debian:jessie

# Install Shinken, Nagios plugins, apache2 and supervisord
RUN         apt-get update && apt-get install -y python-pip \
                python-pycurl \
                python-cherrypy3 \
                nagios-plugins \
                libsys-statistics-linux-perl \
                apache2 \
                libapache2-mod-proxy-html \
                supervisor \
                python-dev \
                python-cairo \
                python-crypto \
                libssl-dev \
                inotify-tools \
RUN         useradd --create-home shinken && \
                pip install shinken pymongo>=3.0.3 requests arrow bottle==0.12.8 && \
                update-rc.d -f apache2 remove && \
                update-rc.d -f shinken remove

# Install shinken modules from
RUN         chown -R shinken:shinken /etc/shinken/ && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken --init' && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken install webui2' && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken install auth-htpasswd' && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken install sqlitedb' && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken install pickle-retention-file-scheduler' && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken install booster-nrpe' && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken install logstore-sqlite' && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken install livestatus' && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken install graphite' && \
                su - shinken -c 'shinken install ui-graphite'

# Install Graphite
RUN         pip install Twisted==11.1.0 && \
                pip install flup==1.0.2 && \
                pip install django==1.5.10 && \
                pip install django-tagging==0.3.2 && \
                pip install && \
                pip install whisper==0.9.12 && \
                pip install carbon==0.9.12 && \
                pip install graphite-web==0.9.12 && \
                pip install gunicorn==19.1.1

# Install and configure thruk
RUN         gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F8C1CA08A57B9ED7 && \
                gpg --armor --export F8C1CA08A57B9ED7 | apt-key add - && \
                echo 'deb jessie main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \
                apt-get update && \
                apt-get install -y thruk && \
                apt-get clean
ADD         thruk/thruk_local.conf /etc/thruk/thruk_local.conf

# Install check_nrpe plugin
ADD         nrpe-2.15.tar.gz /usr/src/
RUN         cd /usr/src/nrpe-2.15/ && \
                ./configure --with-nagios-user=shinken --with-nagios-group=shinken --with-nrpe-user=shinken --with-nrpe-group=shinken --with-ssl=/usr/bin/openssl --with-ssl-lib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu && \
                make all && \
                make install-plugin && \
                mv /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe && \
                cd / && \
                rm -rf /usr/src/nrpe-2.15

# Configure apache
ADD         shinken/shinken_apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/shinken_apache.conf
RUN         ln -sf /etc/apache2/sites-available/shinken_apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/shinken_apache.conf
RUN         ln -sf /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy* /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
RUN         ln -sf /etc/apache2/mods-available/slotmem_shm.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
RUN         ln -sf /etc/apache2/mods-available/xml2enc.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

# Configure Shinken modules
ADD         shinken/shinken.cfg /etc/shinken/shinken.cfg
ADD         shinken/broker-master.cfg /etc/shinken/brokers/broker-master.cfg
ADD         shinken/poller-master.cfg /etc/shinken/pollers/poller-master.cfg
ADD         shinken/scheduler-master.cfg /etc/shinken/schedulers/scheduler-master.cfg
COPY        shinken/webui2.cfg /etc/shinken/modules/webui2.cfg
COPY        shinken/webui2_worldmap.cfg /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/worldmap/plugin.cfg
ADD         shinken/livestatus.cfg /etc/shinken/modules/livestatus.cfg
ADD         shinken/graphite.cfg /etc/shinken/modules/graphite.cfg
ADD         shinken/ui-graphite.cfg /etc/shinken/modules/ui-graphite.cfg
RUN         mkdir -p /etc/shinken/custom_configs /usr/local/custom_plugins && \
                ln -sf /etc/shinken/custom_configs/htpasswd.users /etc/shinken/htpasswd.users && \
                rm -f /etc/thruk/htpasswd && \
                ln -sf /etc/shinken/htpasswd.users /etc/thruk/htpasswd && \
                chown -R shinken:shinken /etc/shinken/

# Configure graphite
ADD         graphite/carbon.conf /opt/graphite/conf/
ADD         graphite/storage-schemas.conf /opt/graphite/conf/
ADD         graphite/storage-aggregation.conf /opt/graphite/conf/
ADD         graphite/ /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/
RUN         mkdir -p /var/log/graphite && \
                cd /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/ && \
                python syncdb --noinput

# Add shinken config watcher to restart arbiter, when changes happen
ADD         shinken/ /usr/bin/
RUN         chmod 755 /usr/bin/

# Copy extra NRPE plugins and fix permissions
ADD         extra_plugins/* /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
RUN         cd /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ && \
                chmod a+x * && \
                chmod u+s check_apt restart_service check_ping check_icmp check_fping apt_update

# Define mountable directories
VOLUME      ["/etc/shinken/custom_configs", "/usr/local/custom_plugins"]

# configure supervisor
ADD         supervisor/conf.d/* /etc/supervisor/conf.d/

# Expost port 80 (apache2)

# Default docker process
CMD ["supervisord", "-c", "/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf", "-n"]

dan-petty avatar Dec 20 '17 23:12 dan-petty