nvui copied to clipboard
Not working keys
There are already some issues mentioning not working keys, so I don't want to bother too much when there is no time. Maybe it'll be good to create an issue that groups them and create an overview which helps when there is more room for it.
#134 #143
Another one that looks like it has problems is <. E.g., when mapping it to preserve selection while outdenting, no selection is preserved in nvui. vim.keymap.set("v", "<", "<gv", { desc = "Outdent" })
In terms of the < issue I should haved checked better it is solved using:
local map = vim.keymap.set
-- ...
map("v", "<S-lt>", "<gv", { desc = "Outdent" })
In terms of C+^ #147 it's nice to see it solved in #148
Hmm this present an issue with motion operators as well, for example ct< or dt< or cf< or even f<