Yes, `simualte.cc`'s python counterpart might most likely be able better to handle features like reloading simulation. Perhaps this would be only temporary. I guess I haven't explained my reasoning for...
Can you show a minimal example?
> So I figured how to calculate the offset and scale for the actions, but I still don't know where the bounds values are coming from. @xbpeng could you please...
@tfederico I have replicated an initial simulation for the robot in pybullet. See [#2 RJAX: Inital Sims](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yluXxxZWv8c&ab_channel=RohitKumarJ). I will be re-making this with torque limits, joint limits, etc. Back here...
@vinibispo, seems like there is a [writer](https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim/blob/9ac3e9541bbabd9d73663d757e4fe48a675bb054/lua/plenary/job.lua#LL18C56-L18C56) option within the job control api, which is not exposed through `:h plenary.nvim-plenary.job`. (Is this the correct help doc?🤕) Not sure if it...
Testing it like this work for a single value, but not for two: ```lua function temp() return {"1", "2"} end ... utils.job = Job:new({ command = executable, args = {},...
I see the same kind of behavior in the pre-release version.
@ddickstein, a workaround: (You can wrap this in a single cmd:) ```lua local buffers_before = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs() -- Create your terminal buffer here and name it : "My Terminal" local new_buffers_list...
Nice! This works for me on windows.
Not as of now. I was hoping to ask for suggestions for that. We need the position and orientation of the joint at which point we need to render the...