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A package for whatsapp business api, send messages, product, media, location through flutter app.

rohit-chouhan sponsor

WhatsApp API package for flutter, to send message and product information.

  • WhatsApp Business Configuration
    • 💬 Short link
    • 💬 Send template
    • 💬 Send text message
    • 💬 Send media files
    • 💬 Send location details
    • 💬 Send media by link
    • 💬 Send reaction on message
    • 💬 Send reply on message
    • 💬 Send reply with media
    • 💬 Send reply with media url
    • 📞 Register a number
    • 📞 Deregister a number
    • 🆔 Get Shared WhatsApp Business Account Id
    • 🆔 Get Shared WhatsApp Business Account List
    • 🔘 Send button options
    • 📁 Upload media files
    • 📁 Delete media files
    • 📁 Retrive media url
    • 🚀 Update Business profile
    • 🔐 Two step verification code

WhatsApp Business Configuration

You must have WhatsApp apps in facebook developer, to use this package, please follow this Guidelines.

WhatsApp whatsapp = WhatsApp();

Configure accessToken and fromNumberId.

	accessToken: "your_access_token_here",
	fromNumberId: 10000000000000

Short link

💬 Generate the short link of the WhatsApp.

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • message - the message to be sent.
  • compress - pass true to compress the link.
	to: 910000000000,
	message: "Hey",
	compress: true
//return : https://wa.me/910000000000?text=Hy

Send template

💬 Send the template to the client.

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • templateName - the template name.
	to: 910000000000,
	templateName: "hello_world"

Send text message

💬 Send the text message to the client.

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • message - the message to be sent.
  • previewUrl - is used to preview the URL in the chat window.
	to: 910000000000,
	message: "Hey, Flutter, follow me on https://example.com",
	previewUrl: true

Send media files

💬 Send the media files to the client.

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • mediaType - the type of media such as image, document, audio, image, or video
  • mediaId - Use this edge to retrieve and delete media.
	to: 910000000000,
	mediaType: "image",
	mediaId: "f043afd0-f0ae-4b9c-ab3d-696fb4c8cd68"

Send location details

💬 Send the location to the client.

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • longitude - the longitude of the location.
  • latitude - the latitude of the location.
  • name - the name of the location.
  • address - the full address of the location.
	to: 910000000000,
	longitude: "26.4866491",
	latitude: "74.5288578",
	name: "Pushkar",
	address: "Rajasthan, India"

Send media by link

💬 Send the location to the client.

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • mediaType - the type of media such as image, document, audio, image, or video
  • mediaLink - the media to be sent.
  • caption - the caption of media
	to: 910000000000,
	mediaLink: "https://example.com/flutter.mp4",
	caption:"My Flutter Video"

Send reaction on message

💬 Send the location to the client.

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • messageId - the message id.
  • emoji - the emoji to be sent.
	to: 910000000000,
	messageId: "wamid.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==",
	emoji: "👍"

Send reply on message

💬 Send the location to the client.

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • messageId - the message id.
  • message - the message to be sent.
  • previewUrl - used to preview the URL in the chat window.
	to: 910000000000,
	messageId: "wamid.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==",
	message: "Hey, Flutter!",
	previewUrl: true

Send reply with media

💬 Reply to a media by ID

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • messageId - the message id.
  • mediaType - type of media such as image, document, audio or video
  • mediaId - id of media to be replay.
	to: 910000000000,
	messageId: "wamid.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==",
	mediaType: "image",
	mediaId: "1000000000000000"

Send reply with media url

💬 Reply to a media by URL

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • messageId - the message id.
  • mediaType - type of media such as image, document, audio or video
  • mediaLink - link of media to be replay.
  • caption - caption of media to be replay.
	to: 910000000000,
	messageId: "wamid.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==",
	mediaType: "video",
	mediaLink: "http://example.com/video.mp4",
	caption: "My Flutter Video"

Register a number

📞 Register a phone number

  • pin is 6-digit pin for Register number.

Deregister a number

📞 Deregister a phone number

  • pin is 6-digit pin for deregister number.

Get Shared WhatsApp Business Account Id

🆔 Get Shared WhatsApp Business Account Id

  • inputToken - token generated after embedding the signup flow

Get Shared WhatsApp Business Account List

🆔 Get Shared WhatsApp Business Account List

  • accountId - Business manager account Id
	accountId: 805021500648488

Send button options

🔘 Send message with action buttons for choice

  • to - the phone number with country code but without the plus (+) sign.
  • bodyText -the main body text of message
  • buttons - list of action buttons with id and text
	bodyText: "Do you love flutter",
    buttons: [
        {"id": "yes", "text": "👍 Yes"},
        {"id": "no", "text": "✋ No"}

Upload media files

📁 Upload Media to WhatsApp Business

  • mediaFile - the file object to be send
  • mediaName - the name of file

You need third-party packages for media uploads, for example image_picker for uploading images.

final ImagePicker _picker = ImagePicker();
final XFile? image = await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);
	mediaFile: image,
	mediaName: "Flutter Logo"

Delete media files

📁 Delete uploaded media

  • mediaId- id of media file
	mediaId: "1000000000000000"

Retrive media url

📁 Retrive URL of media

  • mediaId- id of media file
	mediaId: "1000000000000000"

Update Business profile

🚀 Update WhatsApp Business Account Details

  • businessAddress - address of business
  • businessDescription - description of business
  • businessIndustry - industry of business
  • businessAbout - about of your business
  • businessEmail - email of your business
  • businessWebsites - list of website to update
  • businessProfileId - image handle id to update profile picture of business
	businessAbout: "A.I.",
	businessWebsites: ["https://tonystark.com"], //list of website
	businessAddress: "New York",
	businessDescription: "You know who i am, the Ironman",
	businessEmail: "[email protected]",
	businessIndustry: "A.I",
	businessProfileId: "10203949568543" //image handler id

Two step verification code

🔐 Set Two Step Verification Code

  • pin - 6-digit pin for two step verification.



Report bugs or issues

You are welcome to open a ticket on github if any problems arise. New ideas are always welcome.

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2022 Rohit Chouhan. Licensed under the MIT LICENSE.