Rohan Prasad
Rohan Prasad
There will be various questions that need to be answered before reporting a disease case. There will be various APIs like /addflowquestion /getflowquestion /checkflowquestion etc.
Main dashboard addition to the admin panel frontend
Facilities center are tier two users of the platform , which will have more control of the system more than users to their specific location.
Various routes need to be added to support /addreport API such as: Edit Report Update Status etc..
Addition of a central error handlers is needed to avoid writing unnecessary code and proper error management.
fixes #134 Added the folder structure with references to node best practices backend |--bin |--config |--controllers |--helpers |--public |--routes |--strategy Server.js - Entry point
fixes #240 Added route to delete report which takes parameter as ReportID.
There are various API for dengue report but incertain cases report needs to be deleted also.
fixes #233 Various supporting APIs were added :"/editreport",reportController.editReport);"/updatestatus",reportController.updateReportStatus); router.get("/getreport/:rid",reportController.getParticularReport);
fixes #234 Added MongoDB _id validation function which match the regex and return true or false as a result.