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[BUG] Snooze menu doesn't close anymore after snoozing a tab
Since this week upgrade to 102 (from 101.x), the Snooz popup menu doesn't close anymore after I snooze any tab (or range of tabs). It correctly snoozes tab(s), but the menu just stays on the screen. Need to click somewhere outside of it (on a page content) then it disappears. Nothing really broken, just a nuisance.
Expected Behavior
Menu popup should close after finishing its action (as it did before).
Actual Behavior
Menu popup stays on (but it's not clickable anymore, it's not a "mass snooze for consecutive open tabs" feature :)
Your Device
- Browser and version: Firefox 102.0 (with privacy.resistFingerprinting enabled, so presents itself as Firefox ESR 91 or 92)
- OS: Windows 11
- Device Resolution (UI related bugs only) 3000x2000
Screenshots / Videos / Logs
Have a page opened, clicking "in one hour"...
... and the menu popup just stays on.
Can confirm this is happening in Firefox (at least on Mac) but not in Chrome.