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Helpers to ease handling of headers
Users must have a easy way to use the raw or converted to ruby objects values of the request or response headers specified in the RFC [1, 2].
- The user could access the header via a Hash object for raw values, the keys of this Hash should be compliant with HTTP RFC (capitalize first letter, splitting with hyphen, etc). Ex.: headers["Accept-Encoding"]
- The user could also access via a helper method (lowercase and subst hyphen by underline pattern) the ruby object for special values, such as date, cache-control, etc. Ex.: headers.accept_encoding
- The user could check for header existence with headers.accept_encoding?
- The user could also retrieve the raw values with headers.accept_encoding!
Only RFC specified headers are accessed by these helpers, extensions should be available only by the Hash.
For complex values, the implementation should do a lazy instantiation of the objects involved.
For value types, check [3, 4]. The lists below shows what value a header will get after converting from raw value. Some of the headers will be improved on later milestones (check "improve later" headers, below):
General Headers Types
general-header = Cache-Control ; check [5, 6]
| Connection ; token (1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>) > string
| Date ; HTTP-date [7]
| Pragma ; token > string
| Trailer ; #field-name > string
| Transfer-Encoding ; #transfer-coding > string (improve later)
| Upgrade ; token > string
| Via ; 1#( received-protocol received-by [ comment ] ) > string (improve later)
| Warning ; 1#warning-value > Object with code, agent, text, [date]
Entity Headers Types
entity-header = Allow ; #Method > string (normalization to all caps)
| Content-Encoding ; 1#content-coding > string (improve later)
| Content-Language ; 1#language-tag > array of langs
| Content-Length ; Integer
| Content-Location ; ( absoluteURI | relativeURI ) > Object uri
| Content-MD5 ; <base64 of 128 bit MD5 digest as per RFC 1864> > string (maybe provide helper for that)
| Content-Range ; content-range-spec (see Range, below) > string (improve later)
| Content-Type ; media-type [9] > Object mediatype, charset
| Expires ; HTTP-date [7]
| Last-Modified ; HTTP-date [7]
Request Headers Types
request-header = Accept ; #( media-range [ accept-params ] ) > Object
| Accept-Charset ; 1#( ( charset | "*" )[ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] ) > Object
| Accept-Encoding ; 1#( codings [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] ) > Object
| Accept-Language ; 1#( language-range [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] ) > Object
| Authorization ; Object? Gem? Middleware? (improve later) [8]
| Expect ; 1#expectation > string (improve later)
| From ; mailbox > string (maybe improve later)
| Host ; HTTP URL (sect 3.2.2) > Object uri
| If-Match ; entity-tag (sect 3.11) > quoted string (maybe object)
| If-Modified-Since ; HTTP-date [7]
| If-None-Match ; entity-tag (sect 3.11) > quoted string (maybe object)
| If-Range ; HTTP-date [7] | entity-tag
| If-Unmodified-Since ; HTTP-date [7]
| Max-Forwards ; Integer
| Proxy-Authorization ; Object? Gem? Middleware? (improve later) [8]
| Range ; byte-ranges-specifier | ranges-specifier > string (improve later)
| Referer ; absoluteURI | relativeURI > Object URI
| TE ; #( t-codings ) > string (improve later)
| User-Agent ; 1*( product | comment ) > string (improve later [wurfl?])
Response Types
response-header = Accept-Ranges ; 1#range-unit | "none" > string (maybe improve later)
| Age ; Integer
| ETag ; entity-tag (sect 3.11) > quoted string (maybe object)
| Location ; absoluteURI > object uri
| Proxy-Authenticate ; 1#challenge > string (improve later)
| Retry-After ; HTTP-date | delta-seconds (Integer)
| Server ; 1*( product | comment ) > string (improve later)
| Vary ; "*" | 1#field-name > string (maybe improve later)
| WWW-Authenticate ; 1#challenge > string (improve later)
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
Response headers OK. Request headers is pending.